Hi! I'm so excited to have a story written for me this year!
In general, I like angsty gen friendship-focused fics. For any of the fandoms I've requested fic in, however, slash would be fine, as would be the acknowledgement of canon and almost-canon het and same-sex relationships.
RE: Stargate Universe I really love this show - the tone, the imperfection of the characters, and the range of relationships we see. My favorite character is Chloe - she's the first woman in televised SF who makes sense to me - but there's nobody I wouldn't love a story focusing on. There's really no type of fic I wouldn't like in this fandom - gen, slash, het, G to NC-17.
RE: Full House This is a defensive request; my daughters have been watching multiple episodes a week since Nick started showing repeats weekday mornings. I hated it at first; but, with repeated exposure to what we call "the one true show," I've come to be pretty fond of everyone. I'd love a story that gave a little, um, depth, to the characters. And which acknowledged that major crises aren't solved in 22 minutes. Oh, and please no hurting the kids, including Kimmy! You can do whatever you'd like to the adults.
RE: Lawrence of Arabia (1962) I hadn't realized I was a fan-fan of this movie until last Yuletide, when I saw a pinch-hit request, and a story I'd been wanting to write for 20 years came pouring out. Then I looked at the evidence: I'd seen the movie close to a dozen times and owned it in formats that may have become extinct before your birth (ever seen a laser disc?); I own a copy of the original mass printing of Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and one Christmas gave copies as my default present; I've read multiple biographies of Lawrence. So anything you write that plays off the movie would be great; but if you want to ignore the movie in favor of reality, or Lawrence's representation of it, that's fine too.