Relief is in sight

Dec 06, 2005 08:23

First off, the snow forecast really upsets me. I was expecting snow and there's nothing. The forecaster even had the balls (despite the fact that she was a woman) to say that it was snowing here, but it just wasn't hitting the ground. Oh, I see, so it's that imaginary snow. Anyways, I was looking forward to working from home due to the snow, so I did anyways out of defiance. And laziness.

I just submitted two of my Ph.D. applications and I feel so good about it. I put off writing my Statement of Purpose for two months until yesterday, because I thought it was going to be hard to write about why I want my Ph.D. (because I don't think "I just want people to call me 'Dr. St. Hilaire'" is an acceptable reason), but it ended up being really easy and I think my essay kicks ass. I even opened with a quote, which I think is extremely tacky, but every website and book I've looked at on writing application essays recommends it, so fine I went with it.

I never realized how much of a caffeine addiction I have until Sunday morning. We slept in and went to church at 11 instead of 9, and didn't have coffee with our breakfast because there was no cream or milk and I don't drink my coffee black anymore. Anyways, I figured I would be fine without the coffee. Wrong. I didn't think it was possible to fall asleep standing up. I didn't even make the connection with the coffee right away, I just thought I was really sick or something. I couldn't function at all. And then the headache came. And then the shakes and the hallucinations. Ha, just kidding. But I felt ten times better when I got some coffee in me. That's really bad. I don't want to be dependent on foreign substances.

So I might try to quit once school is over. Which is next week! 7 more days of Northeastern and I'm done, and not a moment too soon. Then I get to take 6 months off from school until I find out what's next. I don't know what I am going to do with all this free time. I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas, maybe I'll start making my own clothes. Which I'll need to wear when I start my Ph.D. and my salary gets cut in half to a stipend. My boss is looking forward to the free slave labor. I am not.

Haven't done one of these in a while.

1. Spell your first name backwards - assilem (Sounds like asylum. It also has "ass" in it)
2. Story behind your name- My parents named me after the actresses on Little House on the Prairie. Seriously.
3. How old are you - 25
4. where do you live - above my parents' garage, like Mike Seaver in Growing Pains

d e s c r i b e y o u r
5. Wallet - It's from Coach, maroon with the Coach pattern on it
What happened to #6?
7. Toothbrush - No idea, I think it might be yellow. Too lazy to go check.
8. Jewelry worn- Usually a necklace and earrings and that's about it.
9. Room color - "Lazy Daisy" yellow
10. Pillow cover - It's definitely a Care Bears one.
11. Favorite Jeans - I hate wearing jeans, I find them uncomfortable.
12. Computer - Sony Vaio laptop
13. Sunglasses - brown Tommy Hilfiger ones that are bent because I sat on them
14. Favorite shirt - I have black sweater that I like to wear a lot because it keeps me warm
15. Cologne/Perfume - something from Victoria's Secret if I wear any
16. CD in stereo right now- Madonna Confessions of a Dance Floor. Shut up, I really like it.
17. Piercings - ears and navel
18. What are you wearing now? Pink PJ pants with hearts on them, pink sheepskin boots and a gray flannel sweatshirt. I am totally rocking the "I'm working from home because it was supposed to snow today" look.
19. What do you wish you already have done? Christmas shopping, although I am 75% done
20. Wanting? To get into a good Ph.D. program
21. What will you be doing for the remainder of the day? Work, then going to class, and then having dinner with Tim
22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who would it be? I don't hate anyone enough to kill them, that's just mean
23. Person you wish you could see right now? Tim because I miss him (aww)
24. Some of your favorite movies- A Beautiful Mind, Moulin Rouge, Legally Blond
25. Something you're looking forward to in the coming month- Finals being over
26. The last thing you ate - dinner last night, which was chicken and rice
27. Do you like candles? Most of the scented ones are horrendous, especially the ones that smell like food. I am ok with the Storm Watch and Midsummer Night's Dream ones from Yankee Candle.
28. Do you like incense? I like it at church.
29. Do you like the taste of blood? YES. Actually, no.
30. Do you believe in love? Yes.
31. Do you believe in soul mates? Not really.
32. Do you believe in love at first sight? It's more like "I want to get into your pants at first sight".
33. Do you believe in Heaven? I'd like to think that there is a heaven, but it seems scientifically impossible to me right now
34. Do you believe in God? Same thing as my answer above about heaven
35. What do you want done with your body when you die? I have no idea and I don't like to think about those things.
36. If you could have any animal for a pet, what animal would you want? I don't really like animals, but Toby is pretty cute
37. What is the longest you've ever stayed up? I don't think I've ever pulled an all-nighter...
38. Can you eat with chopsticks? Sort of, I remember when Mr. K taught us how in Asian-African class.
39. What's your favorite coin? I like the English pound.
40. What are some of your favorite candies? Hershey kisses
41. What's something that you wish people would understand about you? That the sarcasm isn't meant to be taken seriously
42. What's something you wish you could understand better? Why people act the way they do sometimes.
43. Who was your first crush? I don't even remember, there have been so many ;)
44. Who is someone that you really wish was still around? Lots of people
45. Where is your favorite place to shop? Shopping makes me break out in hives.
46. Have any tattoos or piercings? Tattoos, no. Already asked about the piercings.
47. What is your favorite thing to wear? Skirt, heels, a pretty top. I like to dress up.
48. How much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing? Probably a couple hundred on a prom dress or bridesmaids dress or something.
50. Do you match your belt with your hair color? I don't wear belts.
51. How many pairs of shoes do you own? maybe 10?
52. What is the worst trend you see today? Those damn low rise pants. I hate them but they don't sell anything else.

s p e c I f I c

53. Do you do drugs? I used to, not so much anymore.
54. What kind of shampoo you use? I have no idea, but I think it was on sale. Again, I could go look but I am lazy.
55. What are you listening to right now? MTV hits on TV
56. Who was the last person that you called? My boss at the learning center to tell her I could work on Friday afternoon (grrr)
57. Where do you want to get married? At St. Richards by my dad, then have a reception in my backyard
58. How many buddies are online right now? 20
59. What are essentials in your life? My family and Timmy
60. Do you send out holiday cards each year? Sometimes. No time this year. Must study for finals.

h a v e y o u e v e r

61. Given someone a bath - Does the dog count?
62. Bungee jumped - No freaking way
63. Made yourself throw up - Yes, when I've had migraines. It just makes me feel better.
64. Skinny dipped - Nope, seems like something I would do though.
65. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble - No
66. Cried when someone died - Yes
67. Fallen for your best friend? - No
68. Been rejected - Probably
69. Rejected someone - I'm a heartbreaker
70. Used someone - Most likely
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