Sep 04, 2013 00:29
Update of sorts.
Been a while.
Enjoyed my layoff this summer, was not as long as I wanted, but it was nice.
Work so far has been decent, I will not lie and say it is hoorah great, but it is not bad enough for me to contemplate quiting and living in my car because I have no money coming in. The new changes this year actually seem fairly decent, enough to where everyone is breathing a little bet better this year and the bitter glares and negative attitude has lowered dramatically. I am hoping it stays that way for the year. Not all will be perfect, but then nothing ever is perfect and that is just fine... I just do not want to wake up in the mornings and be almost in tears because I have to go to work and spend a day at a place that is making filling me with depression and making me feel like a failure.
So far this year that has not happened.
Kids and I have finally figured out what we actually want, considering that I am now 50, it took me long enough.
Jessa wants land. Enough to have a vegie garden that can get us 100% off the grid vegie wise (sure we will go to the store for some vegies we cannot grow, but it would be nice to know that we do not HAVE to unless we WANT to. Johnny wants woods, he wants to have his outdoor smoker and he wants to have a wood stove in the house. I agree.. One winter after an ice storm and car accidents caused by said storm, lines down due to the weight of the ice and the winds blowing, the electricity went out for a week, in some areas he was out 2 to 3 weeks, I agre, a wood stove.. yes. We cooked and heated our home with a three burner cast iron camping propane stove, and that was not fun.
Size wise, we do not care when it comes to the house. I mean I was just fine when we lived in a house for like 5 yrs and my bedroom was 11x9. Our bedrooms are after all, for sleeping, long as they are big enough for a confy bed and dresser, we just do not care on bedroom size. Bathroom size, the smallest we had was 44 inches wide by 6 feet deep, for nearly 5 yrs, we did it, we hated it, we do not want to do it again. So bathroom will need to be at least 5'5" wide by 8 feet deep, that is what we have now, and we are fine, it fits a tub, sink and toilet and we have room to undress and dress in it. Sure bigger would be nice, but we are fine.
Right now the biggest room in the house is 12 by 15, and that is the kitchen.. the livingroom is 12 by 12. I would prefer no smaller then 14 by 14 for livingroom and a bit bigger for kitchen so a table fits in it, but it is not a huge deal.
Mostly two things we really honestly want, a full size basement for storing our canning and maybe for emergencies, like when we have our tornadoes coming through. And porches. We want a porch in the back or to the side of the house that can be used as an 'outside' kitchen, and a nice sized front porch for sitting on and talking with neighbors..
Jessa and John both want at least a car port for the car, so its protected from the snow storms and such, and both want some solar panels and at least one wind mill (they make some that work just fine and are not intrusive and loud), mostly for emergencies, so when electricity goes out, we have some backup for a few things. I think the last blizzard we had where even my job closed down, and then before that the ice storm, it showed us what we would really like to have JUST to make it through another, and be half way confy.
SO we are NOT asking for a LOT. 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths to 2 baths, and at least a half bath in basement. Laundry room (can be in basement).. one car car port.. and a large back and side yard. Jessa would not mind having a few chickens and a rooster.
SO since we arent wanting large, and we are willing ot be outside the city, it is a doable wish list, but it will take a few yrs.. but it is nice to have a clear cut plan to work towards.
Anyways, enough of this wish list thing, time to get back to the world and ready myself for bed.