Oct 02, 2004 02:24
Yuck, I'm sick. It started Thursday night with a sore throat, but now I'm just extra stuffy and draining. As Jen said, "Evildeath cold!" hehe. Hopefully it won't get much worse.
Ooooops, sorry for not updating in a long time. Turns out that I'm quite busy. I got the vehicle situatuion all worked out, but then class/work/AKPsi took over my free time. Which is good, it's nice to be busy, but I think some of the stress probably contributed to me getting sick and such (though many people seem to be sick right now).
Well, it's almost bed time I think (since I took the drowsy-formula cold medicine), and since I ahve work tomorrow. Not till 1pm, but hey, sleep is good. :) so goodnight!