Apr 09, 2004 00:44
Yippee, tomorrow I'm going to look at houses! Hopefully we will have something good to show for all this effort very very soon...I want it to get done, so we can make our new house look all cool over the summer. :) In other news, only 2 weeks of school left...eek! Time to look for a nice job. Annnd this weekend is Easter, so I'll be at home for a bit. Yay, my own bed!
So, this week has been weird as far as sleeping goes. Sunday night, I couldn't fall asleep at all...monday night/tuesday morning, I turned off my alarm in my sleep and missed a test...and I did the SAME thing Thursday morning (missing the make-up for that test)! Very strange. John can attest that I did in fact turn off my alarm both days (and that it was set), but I have no recollection of it. So, guess that means tomorrow morning, I set two alarms! lol. Hopefully I'll be permitted to take the test sometime next week.
Well, those are my random thoughts for the night. Bye!