I am:Gregory Benford
A master literary stylist who is also a working scientist.
Which science fiction writer are you? That's pretty cool. Though the bottom of the results page also says "The real Greg Benford once took this quiz, and it told him he was Arthur C. Clarke.", so I'm not convinced it's entirely accurate. Still. Greg Benford.
The other one doing the rounds is to list five favourite movies, and five guilty pleasure movies:
Five Favourite Movies:
Not my all-time top five, of course. But these are probably in the top 50, or so. And I doubt I can narrow it down more than that...
The Lost Boys - Clearly, the best vampire movie ever made. And it stars both Cory's!
The Rocketeer - I was always a fan of 1920's pulp adventures, and superhero movies, and this is an excellent example of both.
The Shawshank Redemption - Is there anything I need to say about this?
Memento - Christopher Nolan really hasn't put a foot wrong, but this is my favourite of his so far (but I've not seen
Following yet, so I might be wrong). I love the storytelling style, and the verité of the cinematography.
The Italian Job (1969) - Far better than the "remake". Michael Caine's best role.
Five Guilty Pleasures:
Krull - I have absolutely no idea why I like this so much - it's trite and derivative, and the villains are
probably the most stupid ever.
Sugar and Spice - A bunch of cheerleaders rob a bank because one of them got pregnant. And they research how to do it by watching
Point Break. I've caught this on TV three or four times now, and I can never convince myself to turn it off. But really, it sucks.
The Phantom - You know what I said about pulp and super hero movies above? Well, this tries so hard to work, bless it's little celluloid heart. Slam evil, indeed.
Sinbad of the Seven Seas - If you don't know how much fun this is yet,
then go here.
Weekend At Bernie's - I almost put this in the other list. I love it so much, but it's also such trash. But fun trash.
So there you go. May the mocking begin.