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Jan 10, 2006 22:16

I had the strangest dreams last night, but it was the kind that you can't remember the second you wake up! And, I tossed and turned until 1:30 a.m. when I decided I was hungry and got a small something to eat and thought if I read something my eyes might get sleepy and my body would follow. Well, after skimming the intro of Utopia which happened to be the first thing I found on Sarah's bookshelf, I decided that wasn't what I wanted to do and went back into my room, and tossed and turned for at least another hour. I had to wake up at 7, which was actually better than my original plan of getting up at 6 (which I have to do tomorrow - freaking practicing takes up a lot of time...).
And, while I am speaking of the horn, I may as well mention that I'm a bit concerned about my ensemble placment. I really want to get into orchestra-I'll shoot myself if I don't...I can't stand being in just the symphonic band...I get bored so easily and I never get placed on challenging parts...the same thing happened in 2nd grade! The assignments were so easy for me that I would finish first and then be bored to tears..then I would write notes and tap my pencil and do all sorts of "terrible" things! Well, my teacher decided I had ADD and that I should get some sort of medication and be placed in a "special class for slower students"! Only this time symphonic band is the special class and orchestra is the third grade... I guess that might not make any sense...but I seriousy didn't practice enough last semester... I could have done so much better, and I know I'm probably dissapoionting Lin-there were just some hectic weeks in there..and I know I could have found the time if I really wanted to...I just got lazy towrads the end of the semester and didn't go in at night like I should have.
Well, that's enough of that...on to other things...the Men's B-Ball team lost tonight against Akron...something like 64 to 51...it was awful - they played just as bad as the girl's team...no offense to anyone on the WMU girl's team. And, the refs sucked...a lot.
Ocean Systems is the worst class ever. I should have guessed by the title...But since I like oceanic stuff, I thought it might be cool...oh no, the prof has to incorporate the scientific method into everything!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! That is soooo high school!
Also, I am hungry.
Also, I am thirsty. And, my fridge is more than 5 feet from me which means I can't even use a stick to retrieve something from it and therefore isn't worth my while to get.
People who smoke are gross!
I met tht nicest person at the registrar's office today! She was so patient and offered to do all this stuff for me and kept saying, "Oh that's not really necesary" and she did it anyway...and then she noticed I was carrying a whole bunch of papers and said...."wait! Here's an envelope for you...you wouldn't want to drop your papers in this wind!" I was very surprised and It made my kinda crappy day a little better and reminded me that there are still considerate people out there.
I dont' feel like writing anymore. good night!
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