Jan 10, 2006 01:02
Break is over. I had my first two classes today. they went longer than I expected but they seem like they'll be good classes. schedule this semester is decent. no friday classes and nothing before 11.
New Years was awesome and break was a lotta fun back at home for a month.
anyway, Happy New Year! here's what I'll remember from '05
Jan: The WMU Hockey games and being a lawson lunatic especially the night we lost to Michigan and Matt told me I was on TV on Fox Sports Net, The Broken Nose, The Superbowl,
February - The Justin 2x4 incident, Deciding on a major, NHL season officially canceled, The Mike Riess speech (2nd time I saw him), pool @ Lisiecki’s before leaving for spring break… and on a lesser highlight, spring break in all it's florida old person glory
March - The mini-road trip to see Spring Training, the night everything we tried to do got canceled (spring training game got rained out and the movie we tried to go to had tech problems so we just went back to where we were staying), The comedy club with grandparents and cousins… Justin telling Pete he was leaving when Pete was just outside my room. walking personal record speeds to avoid annoying Kristina walking back from a party, Dr. K using my paper as an example to the class,
April - Getting’ the Tigers’ D shaved into my head. Hanging out at the flags by the echo point talking about classic movies on our to-see list, The Trogdor feedings, Picking the house to live in for this year, The guy outside of Krogers asking us if we wanted a home stereo and then yelling at us when katie answered no,
May - Shawshank and pool with the old crew, Time Travelers and finding the Legion of Broom shirt, Baseball road trip w/ the old man, the car trouble on the trip up to school and the stopover at state
June - The birthday hangout with the old crew, poker and getting yelled at to keep it down, Cedar Point the next day and my dad’s debbie downer moments, billy joel, the free time between moving in and having classes begin, the starting fresh in a new room and getting settled, “camping”, the humidity and discover of lack of air conditioning being that bad,
July - The Ben Harper concert, the foul ball speech video’s malfunction,
August - hangin’ out at home between summer and fall classes, whipash, Katrina, Bronco Bash/DTL/Roadhouse
September - The pisser dog Obie makes her debut, Simon Wiesenthall passing away, the MLB playoff race
October - The White Sox!? Home for the holidays, Ben Shayne, Joe Marks, adventures with the car while I could, Ben Folds and the ensuiing party
Novermber - Central-Western Weekend Teargassings; Cornsgiving; Thanksgiving Parade (i.e. breakfast & freezing), The Day after Thanksgiving sales and freezing my ass off; Field trip to the HMC w/ my class and seeing my dad wore the same shirt as me (oy was that embarasing);
December - Pistons-Spurs christmas day game (W); PF Changs on Xmas eve; Casino Windsor; Fantasy football playoffs; Jackie’s party w/ the open bar; Discovering the all-sports Coney; Bora Bora; Dylan having to have surgery on his torn ligament in his right hind leg; The pistons getting off to a 24-3 start and being just ridiculously awesome; Staying out late every night and sleeping in everyday over winter break; the least & most stressful finals week simultaneously, Halo at the Comfort house and hanging out at the clubhouse