*Update: link is fixed now, sorry :)

It's been three years in the making, but Cassie has finally agreed to work with me again. After all of the swirling rumors of drama and egos on the set of
Lady Marmalade ("Can I get some music? No? No music? CAN YOU JUST PLAY SOME FUCKING MUSIC???"), she's realized that I've mellowed out from my previous slave-driving, monstrous self. Riight... lube up bitches!
I met Cassie and Paul as incoming freshmen when I was returning as a sophomore. Cassie is one of those people who is so sarcastically hilarious that I have to make sure my bladder is empty when I hang out with her, and Paul is just one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. (FYI, I have extensive amounts of embarassing video footage of *both* of them for your viewing pleasure, upon request.) Earlier this year they split up after about five years together, but even just looking at a few of their photos, it's easy to tell there's a bond between them that's not as easily broken.
I finally got to use East Campus for some settings (even though it required breaking and entering through an old, broken window), and I'd been wanting to do something on a beach as well, so thanks to Officer Todd for trusting us to use the waterfront unsupervised! I think these two photos are probably two of my favorites ever, and the rest are pretty cool too. Paul plays for Western's football team, so once again I can't post them on my website because of the NCAA rules, but I'll be putting Cassie's up there soon.