IIIIIIIIIIIII love to love you baby!

May 12, 2005 11:49

Check that shit out! I'm telling you, nothing turns you on quite like a larger than life version of yourself.

My dear friend Nico, who I met while she was dating Mikey (who consequently met Michael because she plays for WMU with Kate), took some photos of me for her photography class. What she never told me though, was that for an art assignment, they had to do a large scale painting of a photo they'd taken. So this is months and months later, and I'm sitting in Mongolian Barbeque with some friends when one of my roommate's buddies comes to the table and asks me if someone is painting a portrait of me, because there is this huge ass mural of me in the art department. So after a little bit of investigative work, I finally figured it all out, and Nico was going to surprise me on my birthday but she was too drunk to drive over haha. So here we are now in May and I got to see it last night for the first time and we were all just craaaaackin up. She's very talented, it's just really weird to see something like that of yourself! She wants to keep it, which is fine with me, but she gave me the blown up photo version that she used for reference, which I'm thinking I'll probably hang over my bed and jack off to. What!

Sidenote: Are my lips really that big?! They look like I got a little too much colagen in that painting... but the other day in my interracial com class we were talking about our ethnic backgrounds, and someone asked me if I had any percentage of African American in me because my lips are "big ol fatties." Definitely runs in the family, I wonder if my grandpa was black... oh wait, I knew my grandpa.
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