May 06, 2007 21:19
I got up at 7:30, farted around, hung out with Jason and JLynn, drank coffee, read stuff, posted to LJ, made breakfast, ate breakfast, sorted socks, took a shower, rode my bicycle to Brattleboro, had lunch at the Mole's Eye, got a call from Jonah that Max had just purchased the contents of a small office building and so I should come see if there was anything I wanted, and since said office building was in Brattleboro, I called Kelly and had her bring the truck over, and we loaded it up with stuff and then drove down to Kipling to see Spiderman 3 with Grace, Jason, JLynn, and Josh, and then went to Josh's house and made dinner and ate it and then I came home and put JLynn to bed and now I am here posting to LJ again while I drink a beer.
Good day. And do I get a reward for the most amazing run-on sentence in... oh, I don't know... some sort of time period? :)