Title: Hijinks
arboursgreen .
Characters: Puck/Quinn
Challenge: Fireworks
Rating: G
Notes: No spoilers
Puck's done some stupid things to get the attention of girls. He's faked credit scores, stolen cars and belted out Sweet Caroline in front of a room full of nerds.
But he's never done something like this.
"Stand back!" he yells as he lights them. They sparkle and sputter when lit.
"Hurry up!" she laughs into the warm summer air. Although it's nighttime he knows she's smiling wide, eyes twinkling.
For the first time in a long time, he feels happy, free. He doesn't get away in time.
The singed eyebrows? Totally worth it.
Title: 1812 Overture
arboursgreen .
Characters: Artie/Tina
Challenge: Fireworks
Rating: G
Notes: No spoilers
Lima starts its 4th of July show at 9pm, so she arrives at his house at 8:45 armed with blankets and a cooler of sodas. They walk and wheel to the park, and find themselves a patch of soft grass under a tree. The field is dotted with families, rowdy kids, and other teenagers waving neon glowsticks.
When the first one goes off, he threads their fingers together and smiles at her shyly, his face lit with the bright blues, purples and yellows of the sparklers. She grins back and when they kiss she feels fireworks of her own.