Title: Good Friend VS. Best Friend
TotalGleekGirl Challenge: Pride
Character(s): Mercedes, Kurt, Quinn
Rating: PG-13-Cause of a tad bit of langauge
Notes: Based off this statement "A good friend will bail you out of jail, a true friend will be sitting there next to you."
At twenty three years old, Mercedes decided that Quinn really was a good friend. She had been since high school really, but at that particular moment, she was a really good friend. She listened half heartedly as Quinn tried to set bail.
Yes, a good friend will bail you out of jail.
But her best friend? Well, he was currently sitting right there beside her, muttering under his breath.
“Damn, we fucked up.” She grinned response.
Strangely, she was proud that she was still sitting there with her best friend, after all those years.
Pride was such a funny thing.