Title: Madras Plaid
musiclover48Characters: Kurt/Puck and Talulah (their future/impossible love-child)
Challenge: Speed
Rating: PG
Notes: Based on
this post
"We are not dressing our baby in madras plaid!"
"It looks good on her though."
"Be that as it may, madras plaid is for summer, not the middle of January!"
"Does it really matter, babe?"
"I'm a world-famous fashion designer; of course it matters! Oh, don't worry, Talulah, Mama's going to change you before you catch your Papa's bad fashion sense."
As Kurt rushed off to Talulah's room to change the baby girl, Puck let out a soft chuckle. His boyfriend was always quick to fuss over the simplest things sometimes, especially when it came to their adorable little daughter.