Title: A New Routine
Author: Brandi (
Characters: Finn/Puck friendship, implied Puck/Rachel
Challenge: Spring Break
Rating: PG - for 3 swears.
Notes: No spoilers - just having fun. Also, I do not, by any twist of the imagination, consider myself a writer, so proceed with caution. :P :P
Ever since the fifth grade when he met Finn, they've been perfecting their spring break routine - sleeping until they felt like getting up and spending their days fucking around Lima until God knows when.
So, after kicking Finn’s ass at Playstation the night before, Puck was not expecting to wake up to a loud phone call the next morning. He lazily rolled over and grabbed the ringing phone off of his nightstand, grinning to himself when he saw the photo smiling back at him.
“Shit, Berry, this better be important. You’re cutting into some prime spring break sleep time.”