First Dance (Puck/Kurt, PG)

May 02, 2010 00:48

Title: First Dance
Author: lezi
Characters: Kurt/Puck
Challenge: Song
Rating: PG?

“The wedding’s postponed,“ Puck announced, plopping down on the grass beside Kurt’s bench.

The brunet looked up, frowning. “Again?“

“Again.“ He elaborated at Kurt’s silent question. “The song for their first dance.“

Kurt leaned forward, pensively flicking a grass clipping off Puck’s knee. “I’ve always thought first dances were stupid.”


Kurt wordlessly maneuvered himself into Puck’s lap, perching on denim-clad thighs. “It’s ridiculous to expect one song, one dance, to define your relationship before marriage. Love dances to many tunes, but people slap on Celine Dion and call it a day.”

Puck grinned, kissing smooth knuckles. “I love you.”

challenge: songs, character: noah puckerman, author: lezi, character: kurt hummel

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