Title: At Its Finest
reetinkerbellCharacters: Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce.
Challenge: Challenge Two - Missing Scene
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Notes: Set in 1x02, technically spoilers for 1x12.
"We're joining Glee," Quinn announced.
Santana stared. "No."
"I need to join and I'm not doing it alone."
"Didn't you always say only complete losers joined Glee?" Brittany asked.
"Well, yes-"
"You want to be labelled a loser?" Santana asked.
Grinning, Brittany made the loser sign at Quinn.
"Wrong hand," Santana corrected. "You do it with your right hand."
Brittany frowned. "But you said 'L' meant left and 'L' stands for loser."
"Well yes, but… never mind." Santana turned to Quinn. "We're not joining."
Quinn crossed her arms. "Remember that time I walked into the locker room and-"
"We're in!"