Happy anniversary

Mar 05, 2010 15:23

My friend Jason reminded me yesterday that today it's been three years since we were all laid off. Year one was sad, year two was bitter, but this year I'm just feeling kind of empty about it, albeit quite grateful that I haven't had a stretch of time as unremittingly miserable as February-March 2007 since then. Pretty soon I'll have been away from Premiere as long as I was there, and I've pretty much forgotten how it felt to love my job and the people I worked with and to be fulfilled by my work. Yeah. This week has not been so great. I copyedited a particularly insipid Harlequin, and I'm 16 pages from the end of an unbearably boring graphic design book for one of my French clients. I did get the good news that I'm being paid quite handsomely for some work I did on ESPN's World Cup special issue, so that's nice. Oh, and I have the apartment to myself after that unpleasant episode, which I'm enjoying outrageously. But Olympic withdrawal, sleep deprivation, and a pulled muscle in my right calf have combined to make me blind to a lot of good things. So perhaps I will count them.

1. I have managed to eke out a living without full-time employment, and have kept myself fed, clothed, sheltered, and health-insuranced for the past three years. I think that makes me a fucking grownup, yes?
2. The bridemaid's dress for my brother's wedding is actually quite lovely.
3. Australian friend Anna had a healthy baby boy on Tuesday! That's excellent. And a high school friend had her second son last week. I almost did a spit-take when I saw on the MyFace that she gave him the name of a main road in our town as a middle name, but, you know, congratulations. Babies EVERYWHERE!
4. I have gotten so much better at pikes on a Swiss ball, even though I haven't been to Pilates in a couple of weeks. It's the little things.

New York is sort of driving me insane lately, and it's not even the noise outside my bedroom window. I'm almost immune to that, and fine with sleeping in earplugs (even though I remove them sometime during the night, every night without fail, and place them next to my alarm clock. Yes, while I'm still sleeping. I don't know, it's fucking weird). It's just the sheer volume of people and crowdedness and ugh. I went to Target on Monday, thinking it would be fairly not crowded in the middle of a workday, but it was packed with slow-moving people and I just wanted to scream. I feel like I need to get out for a couple of days before my trip to the Bahamas over Memorial Day with my sister-in-law-to-be and the other bridesmaids. Not sure where to go/what to do, though. I would love to go back to Canada. But that seems impractical, what with paying all of my rent by myself for this month, and work, and all the time I'll be taking off work this year for various weddings and such. Occasionally I get George Strait's "Run" stuck in my head and I so miss having a car.

harlequin, gratefulness, restlessness, anniversary, olympics

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