Sep 09, 2006 21:01
MBA was absolutely amazing and awesome and fun and educational. Cannot begging on what a good time it was. well, most of the time, there r times when i just wanna shot someone, but that passes fast.
me and my awesome teammate lucy got 3rd place. we won 2 out of 4 rounds, one neg and one aff
Type your cut contents here.
- piss the crap out of me that we had a chess wagon. those busses r uncomfortable for sleepin, bumpy, and loud. but o well who cares it was only 3 hours ride. OMg the mall we went to, also called Galaria, was the best mall ever!! it was really highteched and new, like there r flatscreen tvs at the foodcourt and everything was nice and pretty. We had SUBWAY!! 3rd time for me. Nice stuffs, and afterward just went around while lucy tried to find a white wristband. At the Nike shoe store, where she got the wrist band, the guy, away from the fact that he was nice and cool, started like askin us questions about y we r there and whers our debate tourney 2morrow...yea weird lol
The hotel was not the best in the world. The room smelled like burnt stuffs, so we got wei to spray axe!!! lol yea....went to bed at 12:30 reading files and debate stuffs. Did u kno that listen to fast rap when readin files help u speak faster?
- got up so 2 early for our own good. breakfast was not so good, except my master milk hot choclate
- MBA = Montgomery Bell Academy, a school for boys. *smirk* Tubs r heavy, watch me get arm muscle from it lol
Ok and here comes the rounds:
1. AFF(we r affirmative) LOST. We went against 2 guys from MBA. and one of them was actually really good. I learned alot of stuffs, and it was just pretty nice. We lost cuz our impact wasn't was good or something. So stating then i knew what was really going on...
2. NEG(which is us) WON! we went against 2 girls that ran a Peace Corps. And it was awesome lol. i really believed we kicked butt in there. We won on advantage, i think which is a economoy DA, and we said that the training for volunteers to stop aids will take 2 long and get themselve aids, and i said u can get aids thro spit! HAHA. o yea the cross X was nice, where lucy pwned with her french class example about the long time it takes to train volunteers
3. NEG LOST. Ok this was the most awful round EVER. the two team members is like extremely experienced. one went to camp, and one is actually a JV that moved to policy as a Nocive cuz they didn't have enough people. So during the whole thing they read so fast i had no idea what the heck they were talkin about. so for us is basicly a blind case. We failed badly lol. but im glad we pulled thro. also i learned, of course
4. AFF WON! we went agaisnt this stupid hawaiin guy and this lil guy thats 2 stubborn and stupid. So basicly they repeated everything, and just ran a Kritik, Topicality, and DA. The judge ended up throwin out the T, K, and I thiink our impacts outweights theres or soemthin. anyways, it was a blah nice round in all. glad we won lol.
in all this tournament was nice, now i kno wat policy debate really is. Lookin forward to the next tourney