if you dont want to read the whole thing at least read the end

May 05, 2005 18:54

(note, the begining of this entry is pointless and does not demand very much attention. However at the end of the post i have raised a question which is rather important to me, and nto just in an acedemic way, So if you do not want to read the begining but are willing to help me out please scroll down to where you see in bold letters "Lazy People start reading here"...thanks

Man, i am bored as shit today, which is why i am writing in this stupid thing for all you assholes.

I kid i kid.

Well no, you are assholes and i dont particuarly (sp?) care for writing in this thing. I used to really enjoy doing it, i had a lot of subjects to talk about and enjoyed typing them. Now it seems more of a chore then something i enjoy.

Then again im doing it right now when i could be watching t.v. or something, so maybe you assholes arent so bad. Maybe ill just complain.

Is it just me or is free-writing really annoying. Most people's thought processes are either pointless and have no actualy direction, or they are too fast and jumbled to follow. Most of the time, when people are doing freewriting that they intend to share with others, they will not actually do true free-writing because it would consist of little more then assenine observations that we all made awhile ago. Instead they will make some shit up htat might sound deep, or wacky, either way its just plain out boring. It is my opinion that a free-write is actually impossible, at least for me it is. My thoughts are sort of like egg shells in your cooking stuff, the secodn you reach for them they dart away, elluding (sp?) you just enough to make you want to try again. Fuck analogies. Maybe if i am given inspiration, and i happen to have a recording device, or a pen and pencil to use to get my inspiration out of my head. But even at that point, what am i supposed to do, just transcribe it unedited and as it was? Thats just plain silly, excuse me i was too busy enjoying the moment taht provided me with inspiration to properly record exactly what was happening. Its like when you're tripping and someone asks "whats it like to trip?"... "its like having sex with your grandmother on primetime telivision while millions of people watch"

I have made it clear many times that i cant stand when people recount there boring days and whine about it, but what im seeing, is that it is actually not that common, and when it does happen, it is nowhere near as stupid as i thought it was. Afterall, this is called "livejournal" because its just that, a journal. And what do you do in journals? you record your thoughts......I wonder if anyone is still reading this post, i doubt it, it is rather boring, even to me.

I love using commas.

Lazy people start reading here
This is a hard question to word.

Here we go; to what extent should one shape their actions so as to avoid hurting others. There is an obvious point in which you can not do things thought they feel right, but when you bring it down to earth a bit the question becomes tough, at least for me.

Obviously i can not take something that belongs to someoen else just because i want it, the negative impact on that person is what i will call a "direct" one, one which is a direct result of my actions.

But there are also passive negative impacts on people. For instance, if i was to do something that worried someone else, to a point where they were unable to sleep at night, thus causing them many hours of unpleasantness. My action itself is not directly responsible for their suffering, though i am the initial cause of it, they are the one who caused their own suffering.

It would be easy enough to just say, actions causing direct impacts should be avoided, so long as avoiding them does not make your survival in danger.
And indirect impacts do not need to be avoided, because you do have a certain degree of freedom in your life to do as you please. If someone would prefer you not to do something, and it does not in any tangible way cause them harm, they should not have the right to deny you the right to do that, so long as you do not threaten their survival or prosperity.

But this seems a bit too simplistic and rather ambiguous, and is suspicously conveniant for the dilemna i am having. If any of you have any beliefs or comments on this question, or maybe a solution, PLEASE respond with them, this matter has suddently become rather important to me and i need some guidance.

thanks D00DS
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