meme from
wolfparades and
halteddreams and
maggiesynders and god knows who else because so many people have tagged me and i don't know anymore. i'm sorry if i missed you, but thank you so much :D
i'm late in doing this, to be honest, but whatever-- i'll do this now, before i go to bed. i'm so sleepy. it feels like i'm about to pass out any second now.
the Christmas spirit has officially invaded my system, now that my Singapore trip is about a week away! the malls are all decked out in decorations, Christmas songs are played from invisible speakers, and Christmas specials are abundant on the telly (The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, anyone?). well, they're minimal things, but yes, they're enough to awaken the spirit of giving in me :) i wish it would snow, but that would be too much to ask!
Pick 12 people and give them the "you make my day" award in no particular order. If you're picked, you are charged with picking 12 of your own (unless you've already done it).
wolfparades for everything- for cheering me up, for making me laugh, and all those late night conversations talking about the most random things ever. girl, ilu <3
ahhbao for being the most delectable corrupted friendly bao i have ever met and also for being an amazing person who never fails to make me laugh.
stfu_stfd for being my concert buddy, my all-around WE H8 TEENIES buddy, my squee buddy... and the list goes on. (said person has been missing from the interwebz for a few days. if anyone has seen her OR Jon Walker becuase he probably kidnapped her and ran off unnoticed because he obv possesses amazing ninja skillz, PLEASE leave their whereabouts in a comment to this entry THANK YOU~)
thedonutgirl for being my squeebuddy and lolbuddy and being an all-around amazing friend that i can confide in. (extra donut brownie points for being the best - and only - donut to possess ninja skills~)
kimberly01 for being extremely witty and making me lol nonstop when i read her amazing posts <3
6. [squid] (because i can't remember her LJ name, as she rarely ever uses it *insert Spencer bitch-glare here*) for being my alltime crazy flowerpot buddy *does the flowerpot* and Bethan/slash enthusiast (more like addict, tbh). we have frequent nosebleeds over pictures of boys in uncompromising positions on MSN. *nods seriously*
pocketofskies for all those long, hilarious comments, her amazing pictures and being a great friend with the most lolworthy suggestions on how to defend yourself from your annoying teenage brother.
dillstar for all that frantic texting and squeeing over the phone about Michael Johns- that was enough to make my entire year. ilu :*
halteddreams for being so friendly and amazing and also for her mutual love/liking for Cole Mohr. :D
10. Jason Chong for being one of my best friends in college and for always being there for me! (said person has also saved my life countless times whenever i am crossing roads)
11. Florence Song for being a fellow sushi queen & ARGHWTFISTHISSHITICAN'TDOTHISARGH*KEYBOARDSMASH* assignment buddy :D SEE! WE MADE IT THROUGH THE SEMESTER!
12. Geoffrey Yeow (who does not have a livejournal and therefore is at the bottom of this list because of it har har no i'm kidding) for being an amazing friend, especially for all those witty comments and remarks. those never fail to make my day.
i had to pick twelve people out of the thirty or so people on my usual You Make My Day list, so if your name is not here, know that you make my day, too! :') i am getting the fuzzies.
good night now! my pillow and my comfortable blanket beckons.