Sep 26, 2005 02:16
so my list goes as follows..
9:15 open
10:00 Jackie Steele
10:45 Brittney Simpson (need phone number)
11:30 Stephanie Parker
12:15 Lauren Kumm
1:00 Rachel Swartout (Need cell number)
1:45 Emily Kirschbaum
2:30 Alexa Harris
3:15 Tracey Seever (need cell number)
4:00 Christina Bloss (need cell number
after 4:00 open
if you posted asking for a time and you are not on this list, it means someone posted before you, I can go after 4 if you are available, or before 10.. just let me know. I will probably be calling all of you this week just to get things straight.. if there are any cancellations please call ASAP so I can get some more girls in those slots.. if you aren't on the list and are having trouble getting appointments or really want me to do your hair.. we can work something out.. I call give you a call if I am ahead of schedule, which I probably will be.. so just post and let me know. or you can IM me KLBAKER020 well I hope you are getting excited! I'm excited to come home and see everyone.. Kieri