It's piercing time again! At least it is time to get the piercing supplies completed for SouthWest Leather Conference. I am enjoying the gathering energy and the organizing it all requires... it is so much fun! Being in the medical field does help me when it comes to ordering the necessary items!
I have been so happy since Tuesday's election results.... and lots has happened on the home front with regard to my family of origin that seems to be a microcosm mirror of the change that appears to be coming down the pike. At times like these I am happy that I moved far, far away. Also, Obama has a new website that provides a public forum for the interim preparations...I like that it isn't secretive and that it is accessible via the Internet. It is - check it out and keep in touch as it continues to transform and undergo its own change as a result of the people's input, ideas and activism.
I am also in a place of retreat - as in creating retreat space, quieting from the social milleiu, and doing the "nesting" stuff that creates a welcoming home space of quietude, relaxation and renewal. I haven't gone to a munch in over a month, and I've been very happy to stay at home, increase the Master/slave dynamics, study, and read. I like that I've done it in "management" segments instead of trying to bite off more than I can chew at long last! This past Sunday we put in a day's work to transform the side patio garden from an unmanageable jungle to a tidy, welcoming garden. The rocks still need to be placed, but they have to get ordered first!
I still have lots of little projects to do to complete the full transformation, but for a day's work, it is satisfying. I'm having a lot of fun being creative with things and enjoying the warm winters of Arizona compared to the frigid cold of Maine at this time of year!
I am busy listening to myself, my intuition and my need to retreat into contemplative spaces. It feels good - and so does my body after three days' recovery!