Apologies for the delay in getting this up, but RL actually had the audacity to get in the way *grumbles* Anyway here are the results for the fanvids.
Because the are currently in last place, all of
nowgold's points will go to Team Buffy.
Overall Points
Team Angel: 80
Team Buffy: 180
Team Dollhouse: 190
Team Firefly: 560
Participants (20 points each)
Team Angel
auriellisTOTAL: 20
Team Buffy
sparkz0revangelin1202darlaslilgirlnowgoldTOTAL: 80
Team Dollhouse
collsgroovesinorbitTOTAL: 40
Team Firefly
dazzstargazer784prlrocksmfirefly10scifi_tv_addictiladoramilena_dru_salki99inanna1130TOTAL: 180
Votes (10 points each)
Team Angel
damnskippytooaurielliscircuryzoesmithblaze2242digitaldesignerTOTAL: 60
Team Buffy
laiquendaievangelin1202zombie_boogiedolnmoonsparkz0ranothercavegreen_queenkbdfmflunaspec_gimmydarlaslilgirlTOTAL: 100
Team Dollhouse
stop_theworldmaharet83dhfreakmiss_atomcollswandersfoundpenikittystudyofrunningnonbeliever93afrocurlgroovesinorbitbabydykecatefletcherismcomjunkiexmaidelxTOTAL: 150
Team Firefly
ru_salki99cranky_crocusmfirefly10hobbitofkobolpage_runnersyrenslureprlrocksscfi_tv_addictmilena_ddazzwillow_reecemeridian_roseozfroggirlplatysseusstargazer784wuhdemahkiki_miserychicnemo_ratomic89iuliekiinanna1130chiasmuscloud_walkerTOTAL: 230
And finally, but by no means least:
1st Place -
milena_d60 points - Team Firefly
2nd Place -
scifi_tv_addict50 points - Team Firefly
3rd Place -
mfirefly1040 points - Team Firefly
Welldone to everyone who took part, your videos were awesome and I look forward to seeing more from you all in future contests.
And don't forget to share your vids over at
wlcaritas and let everyone know which one was yours and tell you how awesome you are :D