Perfect Life

Jan 17, 2009 21:18

Title: Perfect Life (1/6)
Pairing: Brad/Jeff
Characters: Brad, Jeff
Rating: PG
Summary: Getting ready to go out...

Brad Sherwood felt like he was the luckiest guy in the world. He had a great life, good career and a wonderful boyfriend. He ran his hand through his thick black hair as he made his way into the bathroom to freshen up. It was he and Jeff Davis’s first anniversary and he wanted it to be perfect, he had something to ask Jeff for a long time now, but thought this night would be the best time to ask.

He could hear the shower running and smiled as he remembered all the great time he and Jeff had in there. He gently knocked on the door and called out “Jeff, honey. If you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late and I need the shower”

“Alright, give me a minute” He heard slightly muffled from inside. Brad stood patiently as he heard the water stop and muffled movement in the large room. The door opened fully to reveal a half naked, smiling Jeff, a white towel hung loosely around his waist with water still dripping down his bare chest. His dark hair was damp and sticking up in different place from a quick towel rub and his brown eyes sparkled with excitement for what was to come.

Brad just stared and swallowed quickly, no matter how many times he saw Jeff naked, it was always new to him. Seeing the pale skin that shone like marble in the light made his mind blow and blood rush downwards, he always felt it was too much of a precious thing for him to have, to hold. With this view, Brad was thinking about abandoning the plans and just have Jeff there in the bathroom.

“Well, are you going to just stand in my way or let me pass?” Jeff asked, smirking at his boyfriend’s state. Brad shook his head of his thoughts before gathering the younger man in his arms, giving him a firm, yet loving kiss. Jeff responded with as much emotion as he ran his hands through Brad’s thick hair, running his fingers down the sideburns, enjoying the way they feel.

As they pulled away, Jeff looked into Brad’s light brown eyes and gave a small blush “You know, we don’t have to go out tonight. I could always help you with your shower instead…” He suggested, wriggling his eyebrows slightly.

Brad smiled back at him “No way, I’ve planned this for too long. Now, get dressed and wait for me” He gave Jeff one last kiss before getting into the bathroom and into the shower himself.


Jeff, wearing a dark jacket, white shirt and black trousers sat on the couch in their living room, waiting patiently for Brad to come down. He was slightly nervous about the present he got him, he had to ask the others for hints of what he might like. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a long, wrapped up gift, placing it to his lips and whisper a silent plea for luck.

He looked up when he heard a cough and though Brad had never looked more gorgeous. He was wearing a red and black striped, long sleeved shirt and tight black jeans, his hair neatly combed with a smile on his face “Like what you see?” He smirked.

“Very much so, yes” Jeff answered, getting up and going over to Brad, fingers gripping the gift too tightly at the sight of his boyfriend “Happy anniversary, Brad”

He handed over his present and stood silently, watching as Brad ripped off the paper and opened the box, gasping at the gift inside “Jeff, it’s beautiful…”

Jeff let out a sigh of relief as Brad picked out a gold chain with a small rose charm on it, with small ruby petals and an emerald stem “Remember our first date?” He asked, smiling coyly now.

Brad chuckled “How could I forget? You took me out to dinner at that wonderful Italian restaurant, buying me a rose as we declared our love for each other. Then we danced by the riverside as you softly sang to me. One of the most beautiful nights of my life”

Jeff felt the blush creep into his face once more “I thought that if you had that, you will always know how much I love you, more then life itself”

Brad felt his eyes mist up and blinked away the tears before they fell “Jeff, I will always love you no matter what. You are the most important thing in my life”

He held Jeff close to him, gently caressing his cheek with one hand as the other was placed on the back of his neck, guiding him towards Brad’s lips, where he placed his own in a gentle kiss that was so full of love and devotion, it nearly moved them both to tears.

“Come on then, time to go” Brad smiled as he held Jeff’s hand, guiding him to the door. He knew tonight will be one special night.

*brad, /fan fiction, fic:perfect life, -chugirl21, *jeff

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