Whose Rocky Horror Is it Anyway? Chapter 3

Jan 17, 2009 16:43

Eeeek sorry for taking so long to update this, revising and general writer's block ><

So without further ado here is part 3 of it, and you may want to visit here at the appropriate time ;) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EqyVPW0HrIk

Title - Whose Rocky Horror is it Anyway?
Pairings - Greg/Colin, and Josie/???
Summary - Basically it in the title, RHPS with Whose line characters!
Rating - Well PG-13 for odd swear word, shall rise later ;)
Disclaimer - Don't own either RHPS story or characters, and I wouldn't be writing about them if I did!

 As Greg continued to ring the bell, ever more impatiently, the sound of slow heavy footsteps could be heard from inside and the door started to creak slowly open to reveal a tall, well-built man sneering down upon them.

“…Uh hi, I’m Greg Proops and this is my partner Colin Mochrie, we were wondering if you maybe had a phone we could… uh u-use?” Greg finally managed to stammer out staring at the man who just continued to stare blankly down upon them.

His eyes were dark and soulless, devoid of emotion and paused for what seemed eternity before stating,”You’re wet.”

Had he not been so terrified of the man Greg would have snorted at his stupidity but he kept his mouth firmly shut, whilst Colin stared on.

‘Yes… it’s raining” Colin nervously said trying to avoid looking into the stranger’s eyes. He suddenly took a big step forward staring down hard on the couple for another agonizing second before monotonously saying,

“I suppose you better come in then”

The couple exchanged a nervous glance before quickly running inside whilst the man smirked at their fear.

‘I cannot wait until they meet the master’ he thought gleefully, ‘just wait until he seems them…’

Meanwhile inside a woman was sleeping quite peacefully, she had wild brown hair sticking out all over the place and had very heavy make-up surrounding her eyes with bright red lipstick on. She wore a maid’s uniform, almost erotic in style and had a classic feather duster in her hand. She woke with a start as the door crashed closed and wearily opened her eyes to see her brother showing in two very bemused men. ‘Gah,’ she thought ‘more playthings for the master…’ before lying back down on the stairs.

Inside the castle were bits of art and strange sculptures; such as stuffed cats and a guns and swords adorning the walls. The staircase was made out of a dark and dusty wood and the carpet was very grand with intricate designs. The whole room gave out an aurora of grandeur and power with a bit of eccentricity thrown in for good measure, which did not go unnoticed by Colin and Greg.

“What the hell is this place?” Colin whispered nervously, glancing around at some of the more interesting trophies on the wall.

“Probably some hunting lodge for rich weirdoes” He replied, “Someone with more money than any sense, or style it seems” he said whilst regarding a dog’s head with antlers beside him.

They both jumped as the stranger slammed the door behind them a look of displeasure on his face as he walked stiffly past them, “This way” he droned. From another room sounds of many people and music wafted into the hallway breaking the silence as they walked down the hall past the staircase in front of a grandfather clock.

“A-are you having a party?” Colin nervously asked the stranger.

“It seems you have arrived on a rather… special night. It is one of the master’s affairs, you are indeed privileged to be here” The man replied grinning widely, a manic glint visible in his eyes.

“Lucky him…”

Suddenly another voice joined the group as a head appeared from the banisters and a woman slid down them, “You’re lucky, he’s lucky we’re all LUCKY!” She shouted hysterically, then proceeded to cackle widely and threw the duster towards her brother. He caught it easily before shushing her, “Josie my dear sister, you should not scare these guests” he smirked as the couple had shrank back against the wall staring at them shocked.

The clock struck ten and the old chimes bonged slowly out their monotonous rhythm, causing the woman to grin wildly “You hear that dear brother? It is time again!” The manic grin never leaving her face.

He then walked slowly up to the clock and swung open the door and wiped away the dust as it creaked open before turning sharply to stare at the couple through it’s face, madness clear in his voice has he began to sing…

“It’s astounding, time is fleeting, and madness takes it toll”

“No kidding” Greg muttered as the strange man began to dance and continue singing.

Josie had since dismounted the banister and began walking behind them forcing them to follow the man, whilst looking delighted.

“So listen closely…”

“Not for very much longer!” She cut in, her voice decidedly lower and more chilling than before as she draped herself over the grandfather clock, causing Greg to grab onto Colin a look of panic on both of their face’s.

The man glared sternly at his sister before continuing, “I’ve got to keep control” His then twirled around a pillar leading the couple forward before beginning to shout and sing,

“I remember doing the Time Waaarp, drinking those moments when… the blackness would hit me…”

He then turned on the couple and joined hands with Josie before they both sang, “and the void would be calling…” and kicking open two white double doors and pushing them inside, where they were shocked to see dozens of people dressed in tuxedos and sunglasses. And they all shouted in unison…


To which Colin decided to reply by fainting.

Comment please, they make me happy XD

fic:whose rocky horror is it anyway?, #crossover, -sweetsoffy, *josie, *greg, *colin

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