Silver Bells of Joy and Grace (13/?)

Dec 15, 2008 13:45

 Hey, folks. Sorry about the long wait, little bout of writers block. This is the chapter that hold Drew and Greg's wedding, so enjoy!

P.S. As you note, I am using a new LJ account. I will continue to tag under blossomcup to avoid confusion and work on the mods part. All my fic, WL and otherwise is tagged at my LJ, go check it out!

Silver Bells of Joy and Grace

By Blossomcup

Rated PG, rating subject to change in later chapters

Pairings: Drew/Greg, Ryan/Colin, Chip/Brad, Jeff/Wayne

Summary: It’s the beginning of the holiday season, and Greg has a surprise for his love. What unfolds is something that will last the test of time…

NOTE: This is wifeless AU. Reviews make my day, so please give me some feedback!

Chapter Thirteen

Bonded Souls and Ringing Bells

“Love came down at Christmas; love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas, stars and angels give the sign.” - Christina G. Rossetti

The Rose Petal Ballroom Proudly Welcomes

The Wedding Reception of

Drew Allison Carey


Gregory Everett Proops

1 pm - 6 pm

It was the day of the wedding. The sign done out in gorgeous calligraphy was in front of the Rose Petal Ballroom to let all know what would take place later that day. But nobody was there now; the two grooms and their friends were all at the church, preparing for two of the friends to be united as one.

Brad and Chip were waiting with Drew in a room of the church, they were all in their tuxes and Drew was fiddling with his cufflinks. Chip stilled his hands and fastened them for his friend. “Drew, relax, it’s all gonna go fine.”

“I know, Chip.” Drew sighed, a nervous bridegroom smile on his face. “But I’m about to get married! I want everything to be perfect.”

“I can’t believe you and Greg are finally tying the knot.” Brad said wistfully. “And before Ryan and Colin, I always thought they would be first.”

Drew nodded. “Me too. But it’s not a race, and besides, they’re engaged, we’ll leave it to them to figure it out.”

Brad nodded, smiling. “Yep, this is your day of glory, honey.”

Drew turned to Chip. “Could you go check on Greg?” Chip nodded and left the room. Brad frowned. “I thought all the others were with Greg.”

Drew turned to him and nodded. “You’re right. I wanted to speak with you alone.” Brad’s eyes widened a bit in surprise. Drew took his friend’s hand.

“I just wanted to thank you for being the one to walk me down the aisle. You’ve been my friend for ten years, before I even met Greg. You were the first one to reach me when I found out my Mom died, and I owe you a lot. I would’ve liked my mother to be the one to give me away, but since she’s not here, I’m glad that it’s you.”

Brad’s eyes were filled with tears, a smile on his face. “You’re gonna make me cry before the ceremony even starts.” He said quietly. Drew grabbed him in a hug. “Not so hard, you squeeze my tears out.” He mumbled, even though he was hugging him back just as hard.

“Oh, shut up.” Drew whispered with a happy grin.

Wayne, Ryan, Jeff, Colin, and now Chip were over with Greg in another room. Greg was just as nervous, his hands were shaking a bit, but his face let all about him know that he was as happy as could be. “Greg, are you ready?”

Greg nodded. “I am. I can’t wait.” He sighed. “I’ve always known I wanted to be with Drew forever, it’s just finally nice to make the promises, isn’t it?”

Colin smiled and nodded, slipping his arm through Ryan’s. “I can’t wait to either.” He said quietly. Wayne took Jeff’s hand and he squeezed back, their affection for each other increased tenfold due to what they had shared the night before. Maybe someday they would go this same route, but for now they were just two men in love, and that was fine by them.

There was a knock at the door and Brad stepped in with the pastor. “Reverend Stephen, thank you so much for doing this for us.” Greg said, shaking his hand. The man smiled. “Drew is a good man, and I can see you’re one as well. I’m happy to do it. Love is love, right?”

Everyone nodded, agreeing completely. Brad gestured out the door with a flourish. “Well, let’s get out there, it’s time!”

All the guests that they had invited were seated in the pews of the church. The room was done out beautifully in red and white roses, with petals scattered about the aisle leading to the altar. Ryan and Wayne took their places next to where Drew and Greg would stand, and Chip and Jeff took their places in the spot of the groomsmen.

Jeff turned to Chip. “This truly is a happy day.” Chip placed a hand on his arm. “You’re quite right, my friend.”

Jeff smiled, finally feeling like they were all his friends, finally feeling like he was the new member of this large family. An instrumental version of Moon River began to play throughout the church, and all the heads turned to the back of the aisle in anticipation. “Here we go.” Wayne whispered.

First came Colin and Greg, stepping down the aisle slowly, feeling the magic of the day cover them. As they approached the aisle they shared a hug and Greg went to stand in his place. Colin gave Ryan a kiss and went to stand with Chip and Jeff.

Wayne hugged Greg. “Are you ready?” Greg nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” They broke apart and turned to the back as Brad and Drew made their entrance.

They both slowly walked down the aisle together and hugged, all that needed to be said already said before the ceremony. “Thank you.” Drew whispered, Brad nodded and smiled before going to stand by Chip and taking his hand.

Drew and Greg took their first look at each other that day, in the glow of candlelight they thought of each other as absolutely beautiful, and their tears glistened in the bright glow. “I love you.” Drew whispered. “I love you, too.” Greg whispered back. They slid their hands together and nodded to Reverend Stephen.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Mr. Drew Allison Carey, and Mr. Gregory Everett Proops, in holy matrimony.” He began, smiling upon the two men. “First of all, if anyone objects to this union, please leave now.”

A ripple of laughter ran through the room at his comment. Reverend Stephen spoke again. “These two gentlemen began as friends, then they grew into lovers, and today, they shall become beloved husbands. The meaning of marriage has always been the same. For two people to go together on a journey through life, full of trust, friendship, and above all, love.”

He smiled. “After today, you two shall be bonded souls for life, joined together by the love you two have for each other.” He turned to Greg. “The couple has prepared their own vows, which they shall now recite to each other. Greg, would you care to begin?”

Greg cleared his throat, tightened his grip on Drew’s hands, took a deep breath, and began.

“Drew, before I met you, I never was one for romance. I was having trouble understanding what life was really all about, and then you took my by the hand and led me into meaning. It was then that I realized that you were someone truly sent from God.” At this, tears finally escaped from Drew’s eyes and flowed down his face. “I’ve always thought that you were a pure spirit, gentle and always standing by me like a comforting shadow. I always want you to be there with me, no matter what the world might cast. I love you.”

Drew sniffled a bit, smiling brightly, a deep, hot glow in his eyes. He took a moment to calm himself and then began to speak.

“Greg, I knew that you were searching all those years ago when I found you, but I was also searching for someone like you. As you know, my past hasn’t been the happiest, and I’ve got my own scars, but when I met you, it was as if the scars were gone, and I was happy again. I feel that way every time I look at you. And now that we’re going to be married, I know that a day will come where I won’t feel any pain at all. I love you.”

By now, everyone in the chapel, even Reverend Stephen, were in tears. “The rings, please?” Wayne and Ryan stepped forward to hand the rings to Greg and Drew. Greg held his ring in place as Reverend Stephen spoke.

“Do you Greg, take Drew, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and be his true and faithful husband?”

Greg slipped the ring on and swallowed, tears stinging his eyes again. “I do.”

Drew held his ring in place and the pastor spoke again.

“And do you Drew, take Greg, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and be his true and faithful husband?”

Drew slipped the ring on and sighed happily. “I do.”

Reverend Stephen smiled. “And now by the power vested in me by God and his church and the love these two have for each other, I pronounce you two to be beloved husbands. You may kiss.”

Drew and Greg wiped the tears from each other’s faces and melted into the sweetest kiss of their lives, wrapping their arms around each other, holding each other as though they would never let go. A great roar of happiness erupted in the church, yet was muffled in their ears by the beating of their own hearts, now beating as one.

-To be Continued-

-blossomcup, fic:silver bells of joy and grace

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