Well, may as well join myself eh? :P None of these ended up 100% as I had imagined but that´s neither good nor bad is it? Maybe I´m just not having my day... some Ryan, Colin, Jeff, Wayne, Jonathan iconage, a bit of Dan and Richard Vranch in drabble form and an IAG centric freestyle :)
Why is it that Jeff so often ends up in that position and doesn´t get tagged out? Is it karma visiting for making fun of Greg´s "Yoga hurts!" joke?
Alana´s fault although several people have witnessed Richard´s lack of inhibitions :P
Only one time had Dan made the mistake of allowing Richard to play the games other than providing music. Only once, for the first ever taping. It had never made it on air. First game, first scene and Richard´s pants were already around his ankles. A minute into the second and Richard was naked from the waist up and toying with his underwear. The last game found him completely in the nude, to great amusement and clapping from the audience and Dan´s everlasting horror. Never again shall Richard be allowed to step from the piano. The world just wasn´t ready.
Because I wanted to be different and because I´m a masochist...
Searching and searching, a new home they found,
For comedy greatness on TV they were bound,
Back in action, these performers we adore,
A peek into improv, we´ll be asking for more.
Introducing the show, the host´s back in action,
Part of more games, his brand new direction,
Working on the craft, to match the great,
Just skin and bones, is there nothing he ate?
On screen again, the performer most tall,
We feel reassured, he is always a ball,
He pushes the censors just like before,
Penis, vagina, will he say something more?!
His great other half once more a member,
Their ongoing banter who doesn´t remember?
Dancing and jumping, his disarrayed hair,
No longer coloured, yet none of us care.
The hairier part of the two men show,
His linguistic prowess, can it still grow?
Master of rhymes and playbook games,
The blood of improv flows through his veins.
A break from stand up, back to improv he goes,
His sharp tongue and wit keeps the others on toes,
Seducing and teasing, a bounty of gropage,
Yet the fans scream, “We want more frottage!”
His energy erupting for years upon years,
Injury and harm, his colleagues´ big fears,
Still a great dancer, yet better as a singer,
Memories of his quotes, oh they shall linger.
Not to forget, the handsome slim raven,
When it comes to his lyrics, he´s never a craven,
Ridden or groped, for the older or young,
Innuendos galore by him shall be sung!
A later addition, but welcome so much,
Several women were allowed to touch,
Innocent looking but don´t you be fooled,
Bumblebee´s flight, it can´t be overruled!
He left them once but he´s back for some more,
How well do you remember your comedy lore?
Rhyming and dancing, his song´s endless gift,
Long live the chocolate, if you catch my drift.
Their friend and first lady, if loved or hated,
For a good joke or pun, how long have we waited?
She´s ok at improv, a much better actress,
Saving her grace, the others are mattress.
Since the mid 90s no lady be worth,
Finally this show to a talent gave birth,
Petite perhaps but she fears not,
So quick and funny and extra hot!
Not very common but always yelling,
Almost no space for his talent´s selling,
Brave or unlucky, is he the foe of dice?
Both times he ended with traps for mice.
Remaining silent but always heard,
Emotions don´t need the spoken word,
His music so haunting, a perfect fit,
His talent matches theirs bit for bit.
Only one season but jokes were a plenty,
Number of episodes reached twice twenty,
Gods of comedy, we can´t get enough,
For several decades they´ve made us laugh!