So I posted this over at
wl_fanfiction and was asked to crosspost it here. I took 10 genres of fanfiction and wrote a drabble no longer than 10 words for each one. It's a great challenge :)
Pairing is Jonathan/Jeff. One is rated NC-17, the others are pretty safe.
1. Angst
Without Jeff, Jonathan felt cold. Nothing mattered to him anymore.
2. AU
"Hey Jonathan," Jeff said. "We have the same math class."
3. Crack!fic
Jonathan was gone. A blue-eyed cat was there instead.
4. Crossover - Harry Potter
Jonathan sighed disappointedly as Jeff joined the Slytherin table.
5. First Time
Jeff looked down at Jonathan.
"I've been waiting for this."
6. Fluff
"Jeff, there's something I need to you."
7. Humor
Jonathan loved his wizard costume. Jeff hated his elf outfit.
8. Hurt/Comfort
"Please," Jonathan whispered, looking extremely vulnerable.
Jeff held him close.
9. Smut
Jonathan's tongue swirled over the tip. Jeff came, moaning.
10. Sexual Tension
Jonathan's mouth went bone-dry. Jeff. Tight jeans. Enough said.