Daily Goodie! May 12th

May 13, 2012 16:42

Apologies for the late post but life´s kicking my butt right now and I don´t have as much time for making these as I´d like. I hope to post today´s goodie sometime in the evening but honestly I can´t promise it won´t end up tomorrow. Please bear with me for a few days as I try to get back on track. All the goodies will be posted eventually, it just may happen that I miss a day and then post 2 on the next one. Thanks. Screen caps are from tumblr and mrsalanadavis

Icon, Slash/Het, 3, Mix - Brad, Clive, Kathy Gr



Same rules as always, yoink away any you like though credit would be nice!

#icons, -zuzivlas, *clive, *brad, *kathy

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