Class Assignment: Advance Math/History 101

Aug 11, 2011 04:20

I've never been good at history, and I've never been particularly fond of math, so I decided my best course of action was to take a cross-curriculum course.
Author: rentluver07
Title: The Five Times Josie and Ryan Had Sex, and the One Time They Made Love
Characters/Pairings: Josie/Ryan, mention of Josie/Clive and Ryan/Colin
Rating: NC-17 (Het warning!)
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*clive, #britline, *josie, -rentluver07, rating:nc-17, form:het, #challenge, *ryan, *colin

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zuzivlas August 15 2011, 20:20:08 UTC
Oy woman! Why nobody dared to comment on this just yet is beyond me... I shall presume they fainted from the overload of awesome that was this fic!

I´m not much of a het fan but I really loved this piece for several reasons. I love how the fucking was written in really short snippets like it was meaningless, barely worth a mention to Josie, yet the one time it was love was long and detailed because it was so important. That was a nice subtle way of highliting the difference.

I love the mention of Comedy Store, am intrigued by the cure for phobia that sex in a plane and the part where their stuff got stolen while they were otherwise occupied in NY made me laugh out loud.

Now onto the final part. I giggled when Ryan bribed the hotel staff to get to her and at the banter between them. I very much enjoyed that you took it nice and slow with them sharing something so beautiful as well. And it was really hot the way you wrote the sex without being vulgar about it.

I just generally loved this a lot, well done on the assignments! Even if it took a few tries to get the right 5+1 plot :D


rentluver07 August 16 2011, 02:49:33 UTC
Awww, thanks! I was starting to give up on anybody commenting and I was all bummed out. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! This is probably the most satisfied I have been with a one shot it I don't know how long. And you know how great my self-esteem is, so that's saying a lot.

I was really pleased with the flow, too. I was afraid going into it that 5 meaningless fucks would be too much and seem too monotonous, but I went ahead and tried it anyway, and I think it worked really well.


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