I'm sorry for such a late update for this, I just haven't had time and didn't have a passion to update, but I have now so here it is :)
Pairings- Ryan/Jeff, OMC/OFC.
Rating- 12+ (for swearing)
Mike: Please come in and step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo prison, my humble abode.
Mike McShane, the prison guard welcomed Jeff and Greg into his prison and guided them across the way to the cages. Some prisoners were being put to work, some were given meagre meals to eat from. Jeff screwed his face up in disgust and pity, as Greg looked around nervously.
Jeff (annoyed): You said you found it on a dig in Thebes, Greg. Why did you lie to me?
Greg (fake hurt): I lie to everyone, what makes you so damn special?
Jeff: Because I’m meant to be your best mate.
Greg (smiles sheepishly): Which means you’re more gullible and easy to lie to and take advantage of.
Jeff (growls): You stole it from a drunk at some local bar, I’m not surprised you weren’t killed for it!
Greg (gulps): Actually, I picked his pocket, so can we please get out of here before he finds me?
Mike stood in front of the cages, watching the two friends bicker with amusement. Finally Jeff came forwards with renewed bravery.
Jeff: Can you please tell me what the hell this guy’s in here for? If it’s something dangerous, I’m gonna kill Greg for getting us involved.
Mike (amused): This one, so called Ryan Stiles, his crime I don’t actually know about, but when I heard you were coming to see him, I asked him what his crime actually was. He told me he was just looking for a really good time.
The door behind the bars flew open and a tall man was shaggy long, sandy hair was pulled out, his hands shackled together as he was bought to his knees by the guards. Jeff looked deep into the prisoner’s wild green eyes and felt breathless, his heart beating faster as the guy locked eyes with his.
Jeff: This…this is the guy you stole the box from?
Greg: Sure is, now let’s get out of here and find us some good drink around here…?
Ryan raked his eyes over Jeff’s body, smiled then looked over to Greg.
Ryan: Hey, who are you? And who’s the bitch?
Jeff (offended): What do you mean ‘Bitch’?
Greg (nervously): Well I’m Greg, just a sort of missionary chap, hoping to do some good. But this is my friend Jeff, who wanted to meet you.
Ryan (looks Jeff up and down again): Oh well, guess he’s not a total loss…
Jeff (annoyed): You’re stepping too far over the line pal…
Mike saw some fight going on between another warden and a prisoner, then went off to sort it out. Greg and Jeff took this as their chance.
Jeff (sighing): So, we have this box of yours and we want you to tell us what the hell it is and where the hell you got it from.
Ryan (bored): No, you’ve come to ask me about Hamaunaptra, haven’t you?
Jeff (shocked): How do you know the box came from there?
Ryan (rolls eyes): Because I was there when I found the stupid box.
Greg took control of the situation and went closer to Ryan’s cage, his face right next to the bars.
Greg: And how do we know that isn’t a load of bullshit you’ve told us?
Ryan (confused): Have we met somewhere before?
Greg (smiles nervously): No, no. I’ve just got one of those recognisable faces…
He couldn’t complete his sentence before the realization dawned in Ryan’s eyes and decked him out cold, earning him a beating from the guards behind him. Jeff carefully stepped over his friend and leant closer to the cage.
Jeff: So, you were really at Hamunaptra?
Ryan (smirking): You’re still asking me questions after I knocked out your friend?
Jeff (looks down at Greg): He had it coming to him anyway, the shit he sometimes pulls.
Ryan (sarcastically): Well I was really there. Seti’s place, the city of the dead…
Jeff (amazed): Could you tell us where it is? The exact city itself I mean.
Ryan: If you really want to know, you have to come close, really close.
Jeff crept closer to the bars, his face so close to Ryan’s he could feel his hot breath on his cheeks. Ryan went to whisper something to him, but instead grabbed Jeff’s chin roughly, pulled him closer and kissed him quickly, but deeply before letting him go.
Ryan (desperately): Then you get me the fuck out of here quick!
Ryan felt the guard drag him backwards through the door, giving Jeff one last pleading look before the door shut. Jeff saw Mike finally returning and rubbed his fingers over his lips, still feeling the kiss.
Jeff: Where are they taking him now?
Mike (smiling): To be hanged. Looks like he had his good time with you.
Inside the large courtyard, prisoners circled the gallows in the middle and started chanting and jeering at Ryan, who was standing in the middle with his hands tied behind his back. Jeff was sitting in the highest box with Mike, trying to barter for Ryan’s life.
Jeff: Please, I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you let him go.
Mike: Are you kidding? I’ll pay that much to see him hang.
Jeff (desperately): What about two hundred dollars? Three hundred?
Ryan watched as the younger man fought for his life, trying not to notice the rope being tied around his neck by a short guard.
Guard: Any last requests before you die?
Ryan (sarcastically): How about you take the rope from around my neck, then let me go freely?
The guard called up this request to Mike, who looked annoyed and yelled back his answer, making the guard smack Ryan around the back of the head.
Jeff (pleading): What about five hundred dollars?
Mike (interested): And what else? I’ve been quite lonely recently…
He put his hand on Jeff’s knee and moved it slowly upwards, making Jeff appalled and slapped his hand away. Some prisoners saw this and started laughing, making Mike even more madder. He called out the signal to release the trapdoor and Jeff watched in horror as Ryan’s body fell through, the rope going tight around his neck.
Mike: Look at that, his neck didn’t break. Now he will have to strangle to death.
Jeff looked sadly at Ryan, watching as his body started to get weaker from the loss of air. As the light started to leave Ryan’s eyes, Jeff felt his heart breaking slightly and knew what he had to do.
Jeff (sighing): Look, he knows the way to Hamunaptra
Mike (interested again): You’re lying…
Jeff (angry): I’d never lie, Greg might but I wouldn’t. And if you release him we’ll give you… ten percent.
Mike: No, I want fifty percent.
Jeff: How about twenty?
Mike: Make it forty.
Jeff: Thirty?
Mike: Twenty-five and that’s my final offer.
Jeff (smirks): Great, that’s a deal.
Mike swore at the knowledge he’d been tricked and ordered the cutting of Ryan’s rope. Ryan fell down into the sand below and started taking deep, thankful breaths of needed air. He looked up into the warden’s box and saw Jeff staring down at him, a smug smirk on his face as he saw Ryan would be ok.