Ry/Col Song Fic - I Don't Love You Anymore

Sep 23, 2009 15:18

Hey! This is my second post here, and my first song fic so be kind! But let me know what you think cos I'm not so sure of this one.

Author: improvfan88
Title: I Don't Love You Anymore
Pairing: Ry/Col (of course!)
Rating: Pg-13

Travis Tritt - I Don't Love You Anymore

I can't hide the way I feel,
About you anymore.
I can't hold the hurt inside,
Keep the pain outta my eyes,
Any more.

I rang you and asked you to come my hotel room. We were touring near you and Brad, and I just missed you so fucking much. Even Greg said that I needed to see you. I think he was the only one who actually realised that I loved you. I knew it, but I hid it. There was jokes, there was rumours, but he actually saw the love that I thought I hid so well. He saw the sadness in my eyes when we talked about you.

My tears no longer waiting,
My resistance ain't that strong
My mind keeps recreating
A life with you alone.

The more I thought about you, the more I wanted you. I wanted to wake up with you there in my arms, I wanted us to live together, grow old together, still testing each other with Questions Only or some stupid game. And I can't keep up this farce of happily married man. It's not Pat, she's a wonderful woman and I'm lucky to have her. But I can't help resist that pull anymore that says that with you, things would be perfect.

And I'm tired of pretending
I don't love you anymore.

I'm sick of it Colin. That's why I called you. I never call anyone, so you knew it was important. And as I sit here, with you looking at me, staring at me as though I'm about to tell you something terrible, I can't find the words that have been running through my head for years.

Let me make one last appeal,
To show you how I feel,
About you.
Cos there's no one else I swear,
Holds a candle anywhere,
Next to you.

I blurt it out. I tell you that I love you, that I can't live my life unless you're in it. When we see it each other every few years, I don't want to let you go. No one makes me happy as you do. I try to explain it the best I can, but I'm stumbling over my words, stuttering every sentence. But you do that to me. You make me feel so utterly helpless with love that I can't think of anything to say. I'm filled with urge to kiss you every time I see you, and it kills me not being able to.

My heart can't take the beating,
Not having you to hold.
A small voice keeps repeating,
Deep inside my soul.

It says I can't keep pretending,
I don't love you anymore.

I can feel my heart freezing over when I don't see you. When I do, my heart beats so fast, I think I'm going to have a coronary on the spot. When you smile at me, it stops. It can't help the happiness and love that fills me when you do. That little voice that exists in everyone's head tells me to just tell you, it has been telling me years. I ignored it. You were happily married, whereas I was simply married. But now, I need you. I can feel my heart stop when you say sorry, and quickly walk out the room.

I've got to take a chance,
Or let it pass by.
If I expect to get on with my life.

I slump in the corridor outside your room.  I'm the same as you Ryan. I'm married, but not happily.  But I don't know if I can do it. I need you too. I need you more than air. But can I hurt a woman that I care very deeply for? She's done nothing wrong. She doesn't deserve to be hurt like this. But don't I deserve to be happy? I've got an angel and devil on each shoulder, telling me what's right and what's wrong. There are two roads waiting for me, and I don't know which one to take.

My tears no longer waiting,
Oh, my resistance ain't that strong.
And my mind keeps recreating
A life with you alone.

The tears finally start to fall. I know that you are crying too. I can always tell when you're upset, even if we're a country apart. You couldn't hold it back anymore, and now, neither can I. All I can think about is what would happen if I walked away. Would we ever be the same? Would we ever be friends again, knowing that I walked out when you finally took a chance? But it's being overshadowed by the same fantasy that I've had for years. Waking up in the morning, watching you sleeping, greeting you when you do eventually wake with coffee and a kiss. We talk about what we're going to do that day, but end up spending it in bed.

And I'm tired of pretending
I don't love you anymore.
Any more.
Any more.

I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having to hide how I feel about you. My mind suddenly clear, I turn and open your door. You're sitting exactly where I left you, your head in your hands, crying so hard. When I close the door and lock it, you look up, surprised to see me standing there. You stand up and run towards me, I run towards you and our mouths meet, conveying the relief at finally being able to show each other how we truly feel, the love that we've hidden for years. I don't want to hide it anymore, and now I'm not going to. You forgive me for running out, but I know, deep down inside, that you knew I would come back. I knew that I would.

*ryan, -improvfan88, *colin, rating:pg-13

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