oneshot live fic

May 13, 2009 20:45

Title: The Surprise

Author(s): chugirl21 and drgncrystlwlkr

Pairing: Greg/Chip

Rating: Nc-17, for safety

Summary: Chip is giving Greg the best time of his birthday…

Authors’ Notes: We know it isn’t Greg’s birthday today, but we couldn’t resist of doing this here and posting it. We hope you like, and comments are appreciated J



*Greg walks in the house and goes to the couch and sits down after a long day

*Chip comes in from the kitchen and sits next to his tired boyfriend, smiling

Chip: rough day, babe?

Greg: yeah, as if doing a taping of TrueJacksonVP wasn't hard, but also doing a bit at the club was tiring too

*Chip goes behind Greg and starts rubbing his shoulders gently

Chip: i sorry hun

*Greg smiles as he feels Chip giving him a shoulder rub

Greg: it's okay... that feels good

Chip (smiles): i glad; tonight is your night after all

Greg: my night; what is today?

Chip (shocked): don't tell me you've forgotten?

Greg: forgotten what?

Chip (smiling): never mind, I’ll tell you later. Now, I’ve got to finish dinner

*Chip kisses Greg gently and goes back into the kitchen

Greg: okay, hun

*Greg smiles happily

*After a few more minutes, Chip calls Greg into the eating area

*Greg goes to the dining room and sits down

*Chip smiles as he brings in two plates of food, placing on in front of Greg

Chip: it's your favorite; i thought you might like it tonight...

*Greg smiles and looks at the food

Greg: thank you hun, I really love Italian chicken

*Chip smiles and sits next to Greg, eating his own food

Chip: i hope you like it

*Greg smiles and eats his food

Greg: oh i do love it

Chip: good...

*Greg smiles happily

*Chip takes the plates once they've finished and starts the washing-up

Greg: Chip, hun I could've done those

Chip: no, I’ve nearly finished. I want you to relax tonight

Greg (smiles): okay hun

Chip (smiles): now, i want you to go and relax in the living room until i come and get you

*Greg does what he's told and goes to lie down on the couch

* Chip waits until Greg has left the room and pulls a small box out of his pocket and opens it, staring at the object inside and sighs. He then puts it back in and goes into the living room

*Greg is close to falling asleep on the couch

* Chip smiles and puts on some soft music, then kneels next to Greg and runs his hand through his hair softly

*Greg smiles and looks at Chip

Chip (smiles): hey, you all right?

Greg: yeah, I'm fine... just glad that I'm with you

*Chip smiles and stands up, reaching a hand out

Chip: dance with me...

*Greg smiles and takes Chip's hand then stands up

Greg: sure thing hun

*Chip smiles and holds Greg close, swaying gently to the music

*Greg smiles and slows dances with Chip

*Chip smiles and starts singing softly with the music, running his hands gently down Greg’s back

*Greg smiles kindly and run his hand softly down Chip's back

*Chip smiles and kisses Greg gently

*Greg brings up the kiss to a lovely one

*Chip moans into the kiss

*Greg gives a small moan and put his arms around his neck

Chip (smiles): someone's looking much more awake...

Greg: hey, you have a way to get me awake and claim me

*Chip giggles and turns off the music

Greg: so what is today?

Chip (smiles): there'll be plenty of time to tell you later, but now i haven't finished pampering you yet...

Greg: okay, so what are you going to do now?

*Chip just smiles and takes Greg’s hand, leading him to the bedroom

Chip: i want to wait here while i run you a relaxing bath...

*Greg sits on the bed and smiles

Greg: okay hun, thanks

*Chip smiles and goes into the bathroom and runs the water into the bathtub. He pours some relaxing bath oil into the water and turns it off when full. then he goes back to Greg

Greg: wow you're quick

Chip (smiles sexily): are you complaining?

Greg: no, it's a compliment

Chip (smiles): well, thank you

*Greg smiles and kiss chip softly

*Chip takes Greg’s hand and leads him into the bathroom, then slowly takes his clothes off

*Greg grins then once he's naked he goes to undress Chip, slowly

*Chip smiles and helps Greg into the bathtub, getting in behind him

Greg: thanks hun, and the water is perfect

Chip: I’m glad babe; i hope you're enjoying yourself so far

Greg (moans slightly): oh, I'm so enjoying this

*Chip smiles and gathers the shampoo, rubbing it thoroughly in Greg’s hair

*Greg smiles and leans his head back to give a lil moan for pleasure

*Chip gently rinses the shampoo from Greg’s hair, running his fingers through it

Chip: how's that?

Greg (moans in pleasure): perfect

*Chip smiles and kisses Greg’s head, holding him close

Chip: I’m glad...

*Chip gets the soap and lathers it up over Greg’s body

*Greg moans in pleasure

*Chip rubs the soaps across Greg’s chest and stomach, washing all over his body

*Greg loves so much to where he gently gives a buck

*Chip notices and smiles, kissing down Greg’s neck

Chip: maybe we should get out now...

Greg (breathes): okay

*Chip smirks and gets out the bathtub, helping Greg out after. He then gets the towel and rubs it down Greg’s body, dying him off

Greg (giggles): thank you, and I could've done it myself

Chip (smiling): well i wanted to, i want you to enjoy yourself tonight

Greg (smiling): thank you and so far i am enjoying it

Chip (smirks): good, because you're gonna love the next bit

Greg: really, what is it?

Chip (whispers): you'll have to see...

*Greg raises his eyebrow, intrigued

Chip: go into the bedroom and lie on your stomach on the bed...

*Greg does what he's told and goes to the bedroom and lies on his stomach on the bed

*Chip goes to the bathroom cupboard and gets out a bottle of strawberry lotion. He smiles and goes into the bed and straddles Greg, putting the lotion in his hands and rubbing Greg’s shoulders gently

*Greg gasps then moans softly

*Chip smiles and rubs a little firmer

Chip: enjoying it?

Greg (moans): yes

*Chip starts rubbing the top of Greg’s back firmly

*Greg smiles and relaxes

*Chip rubs the midsection firmly then rubs the lower part firmly

*Greg moans softly

*Chip then turns Greg over, rubbing down his chest gently

Chip (whispers): tell me what you want me to do next...

Greg: take me, is what I’d like

Chip: how would you like me to take you?

Greg: however you like

*Chip smiles and kisses Greg softly

*Greg smiles and responds to the kiss

*Chip kisses down Greg’s neck, nipping and licking as he goes

*Greg softly moans and gives a lil buck

*Chip smiles and bites down on Greg shoulder, kissing and licking the mark

*Greg gasps then moans softly

*Chip trails his lips down Greg’s chest, biting and licking each nipple in turn

*Greg moans a little louder with a slight buck

*Chip kisses down Greg’s stomach until he reaches his prize

*Greg lightly shudders with a soft moan

*Chip glances up at Greg, then takes him into his mouth, sucking gently

*Greg gasps then rolls his eyes back into his head

*Chip smiles and hums loudly, nipping gently

*Greg moans in pleasure then gives a buck up

*Chip takes his mouth off Greg and slowly and gently enters Greg

Greg (moans): oh god... so good

Chip (moans): good...glad you like...

*Chip bucks slowly as he rubs Greg’s erection slowly

*Greg moans in pleasure then starts to breathe heavy as he feels about to hit

*Chip bucks faster and harder, rubbing more firmly

Greg (moans loudly): oh god... so close

Chip (gasps): and me...

*Greg moans loudly then arches his back as he comes

*Chip moans loudly as he spills into Greg, collapsing on top of him

*Greg smiles and wraps his arms around Chip and kisses him softly

Chip (smiles): how was that?

Greg (smiling): perfect

Greg: thank you... I love you hun

Chip: i love you too; i want to ask you something

Greg: what is it hun?

*Chip goes back into the bathroom and gets the small box out of his jeans pocket, then gets down on one knee by the bed

*Greg looks shocked

Chip: Greg, we've been going out for about four years and I’ve loved every minute of it. But i would like us to be more; i want us to be together forever. Greg, will you marry me?

Greg (smiles with tears in his eyes): I will Chip, with all my heart I love you and i would love to marry you

Chip (tears in eyes): thank you, you've made me so happy now

*Greg smiles and kisses Chip gently

*Chip kisses Greg back, holding him close

Chip (smiles): by the way, happy birthday...

Greg: thanks, and oh god I can't believe i forgot it is my birthday...

Chip: i hope i made it all right for you

Greg: it was perfect thank you, I love you very much...

Chip: i love you too, very much...

*Greg smiles as he holds onto Chip then slowly falls asleep

*Chip smiles and kisses Greg’s forehead, before snuggling deeper into him and falling asleep

*chip, *greg, /fan fiction, -chugirl21, -nikiwlkr

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