Jan 13, 2013 20:42
today was a day of getting ready for the big push. (that included lots of west wing)
I just want things to be as calm as I can for the next three weeks. I am not changing anything having to do with my day to day except for having a friend out to help me. (she is good at what she dose but I have a hard time dealing with anyoneone in my space when stress much less some who I love but pushes the big candy colored buttons)
I have to deal with Nora (the bully) I will speak to the lawyer before I write her. My sister prepped files and we talked to the lawyer. We will not be giving her my mothers files and the we now know she will prob be trying to sue us. (and part of that will meen I need to re think saving most of the estate money if its cash she can get it worse case, if its in a house she cant but also need to see what it meens if we get married)
I dont know if I have talked about this. Her father was Joe the love of mums life. After they had been together 8 years she talked Joe in to putting out his old work that for 30 years folks had been asking for. She worked with him on it re editing it and working with the publisher, its even deidicated to her. 5 years later he died and in his will Mum got a third of the estate and was named Literary executer, as such she Over saw the movie deal, reprints of all his work, and many many forgin rights. All in all she made over a Mil for the estate and she got one third. But never took a cent of the fees she could have had. But Nora sued her 3 times for undue influance as if there 13 years together never counted. By the third time the court laughted her out no really. But it looks like she may want to sue me as if me and Caz for mums third.
And she has asked for all mums records but our lawyer said not to give her a thing she is on a fishing expediton. So I have to give her stuff from joes estate I dont give her anything else.
aint it fun