an unambiguous cataloguing system

Sep 03, 2015 20:32

.an unambiguous cataloguing system
Ariadne moves out of Arthur's apartment. Eames moves in.
r . 23000 words . A03

I feel like I should tap the mic and see if this thing is on. Also, does anyone use lj anymore? Anyway, here I am, here's an new Inception fic that came from one of my old (so old) WIPs. I was trying to finish things and for whatever reason, this one finished. It is a sort of nonsense AU where the characters hang out and, well, Arthur and Eames eventually get together. Yep. I'm just posting it over on Ao3 because I am fundamentally lazy and don't want to worry about it formatting it here. So go over there and check it out, if you like.

Also: hello.

inception, fic, arthur/eames

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