Dec 01, 2004 08:15
I'm faced with a really tough problem. David and I got into a fight last night, the first one like this. That's not the problem though. I told David about my problem, and he started tellin gme what he would do, and that I'm not trying hard ennough. Basically the same response I've got from a lot of other people, a response that is driving me over the edge. He was upset that I didn't tell him earlier, that I should have even though he was in Iraq. I was so shocked that he responded that way. That's why I didn't tell him earlier, I don't need his advice, I wanted him to be there for me, tell me it's ok, that he supports me, to be a loving boyfriend. But he could't do that. It's like he doesn't know how. He said he supported me, but then he said he couldn't support something he didn't agree with. I dont' care if he agrees with it or not, that's not what I need! I can't believe him! And I was feeling so happy yesterday, until he called and we started fighting. I was so mad I hung up the phone a few times. I just want to crawl into a hole and die now.