Last week

Aug 21, 2006 23:40

So here I am, in the last and final week of preparation before Fall Welcome begins on Saturday...what are my feelings? Well in two words it can be summed up as "Holy SHIT!" I am nervous as hell, yet excited, anxious, depressed, and a whole slew of emotions. I have so much to do, in such a short time span. I will be in the office at 7am tomorrow until 6:30 or so, then Wednesday-Friday I will be arriving at 7am and leaving no earlier than 9pm. Its crazy to think that all the preparation I have been putting in since March is about to arrive!! FINALLY! hah. I can't wait until school starts, I have a weekend off beginning 6pm on Friday September 1st. A weekend much deserved will take place up in East Lansing with the good friend Jena. I will be back to Kalamazoo on Monday morning to prepare for school, probably will spend the day reading, and getting some stuff accomplished before Bronco Bash on September 8th.

Had a Pre Law Society e-board meeting tonight that went EXTRAORDINARILY well. I couldn't have been happier with the pace for which we accomplished things. There is still much to discuss and cover between now and the first couple of weeks into the semester, but I am confidant that it will go well. One thing I do want to warn everyone, even those people that aren't in the Kalamazoo area, expect to see great things this year from WMU and the Pre Law Society, this year is one for the history books. More on that at a later time.

I must now run to bed. I hope all is well with everyone, feel free to drop me a line sometime, I have been missing a bunch of ya'll.

hope to hear from you soon,

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