Title: 'My Salad Days (Green In Judgement, Cold In Blood)' Chapter 6 of probably lots.
sinful_teddyRating: PG
Pairing: Tiny bit of Ry/Col that will become the main pairing (one chapter to go!). Verrrrry even slighterer one-sided Brad/Greg that's only there if you squint real hard or if you're looking for it. (Thanks for always looking, Nade. n___n) Greg/OC. Wayne/OC. INCREDIBLY SUBTLY suggested past Ryan/Greg. Eensy beginnings of Greg/Jeff and a half-there-but-not-really-there-at-all mention of Chip/Wayne. A bit of one-sided Drew/Laura. There-if-you-squint-or-you're-looking one-sided Denny/Drew.
Summary: It's senior student Colin's first day at a new high school in America. He never made any good friends at his last school - will this one be different? Of course it will, stupid. Colin meets some new people he feels like he could fit in with. He is intrigued by Ryan, the shy and awkward junior. WHERE WILL IT LEAD. /lame summary orz
In this chapter, the party games begin. Things get rather personal during a game of 'I Never', and what Karen suggests they play next has everyone interested...
Warnings: High school AU. Some self-inserts of me and my sister that are purely for our amusement. Colin with hair (o: wtf). Sexy blow job imaginings. >|D
Notes: I FAIL with proof-reading, so if you spot any mistakes or inconsistencies, would you would point them out to me! c:
Jeff, 15
Wayne, 16
Rowan, 16
Kathy, 16
Brad, 16
Chip, 16
Denny, 17
Ryan, 17
Greg, 17
Laura, 17
Karen, 18
Sinead, 18
Drew, 18
Colin, 18
CHAPTER SIX: The Party - part II
Greg was sitting cross-legged on the lounge room coffee table, telling stories about himself. Sinead kept making snide comments, which Brad would agree with or respond to in some witty way. Greg complained they were ruining his story, though it was clear he actually appreciated the dry wit. Every now and then, when Greg’s tale reached a dramatic or outrageous point, Jeff would interject and counter with a claim that something similar, but even crazier, had once happened to him.
They were not being a very attentive or polite audience, but Greg seemed to enjoy an audience of any kind when he was talking about himself, and neither he nor Jeff would allow their story to be topped.
On the sofa, Rowan was lying across Wayne’s lap with her feet propped up on Chip’s knees. Karen sat near Rowan’s head, and the two were having some odd conversation whose topic Colin couldn’t even begin to decipher, gibbering animatedly and giggling madly at every interval.
Denny and Drew were at the fridge, deciding on what to drink, while Laura and Kathy stood near Colin and Ryan, catching up with each other and laughing very heartily whenever someone around them did something stupid.
Like, for instance, Drew returning from the trip to the fridge only to slip on a magazine someone had left on the floor and come crashing down on his butt on the carpet. Colin helped him up, trying not to laugh, while most of the others could scarcely hide their amusement. Ryan didn’t even try to conceal his, and if anything he exaggerated it, as if just to annoy Drew.
Drew tried to glare at Ryan, but a glare from Drew Carey was nothing to make you feel sorry for your actions; he could never really mean it, and the insincerity showed through in the grudging smile that always accompanied it.
“Who wants to play ‘I Never’?” cried Denny, patting Drew on the shoulder as she approached the group.
“Yeah, that’s what I came over to say,” said Drew, still blushing over his fall as he picked up the magazine and put it on the kitchen counter behind him. “Who put that stupid thing there anyway?”
“Sorry,” said Chip cheerily, and Drew shook his head.
“I Never...” Denny repeated impatiently, and this time general approval was heard throughout the room. Satisfied, Denny held up two bottles of beer in one hand and stacks of glasses in the other.
“Move the coffee table so we can sit in a circle!” said Chip excitedly. Greg got off the table, and Brad and Sinead helpfully pushed it to one side of the room before Greg had had a chance to do so.
“What’s ‘I Never’?” Colin wondered.
“You never played it?” asked Drew. Colin shrugged; he’d never been to a party beyond the familiar childhood dress-up types. “Well everyone gets in a circle and you take it in turns to say what you’ve never done--”
“But you don’t need to never have done it,” Ryan interrupted.
“Oh, yeah,” Drew said. Colin was very confused already. “So you can say anything, like ‘I never played hockey with a monkey in my underwear’...”
“But don’t say that,” said Rowan.
“Yeah because it’s a drinking game, and when one person says they’ve never done something, it goes around the circle and each person says ‘I never’ if they haven’t done it, or takes a drink if they have.”
“OK,” said Colin slowly. “So one person says they’ve never done something, but it might be something they have done. Then everyone basically has to say whether they’ve done it.”
“Yep!” confirmed Drew, nodding.
“Even the person who said it?”
“Yep. So it’s a bit like Truth or Dare, but with Beer instead of Dare.” Drew flashed a big grin.
“Alright, I’ll play,” Colin agreed. Excited by being at his first real party and trying new things, he felt game for pretty much anything.
Everyone gathered themselves into a circle. Brad sat on one side of Colin, and Ryan sat on the other. Each person got a glass, and the two beers sat open in the center of the circle. Drew volunteered to start, and everyone waited as he put on a show of thinking of what he was going to say.
“I’ve never...taken money...or stolen anything...from the place I work,” he finished finally, and looked expectantly at Laura, who was sitting next to him. Laura looked around at everyone, hesitated, then took a quick drink.
“It was just a pen,” she added. Chip shook his head, shrugged, and drank. Wayne didn’t, and Rowan did. And so all around the circle until it came back to Drew, who announced, “I never!” and then it was Laura’s turn.
She looked pressured at having to think of something, so everyone kindly gave her a minute to think, until she finally came out with: “I never painted graffiti on a wall.” She paused and then said, “Or, well, I mean a public place.”
The game kept on like that to begin with, just minor illegalities. It soon moved on to embarrassing things, and stayed like that for a while before falling into the bottomless chasm of crushes and romance, as these games almost always do.
The game went on and the players got tipsy. Inevitably, the claims of ‘I never’ became very intimate and sexual in nature, sometimes outrageously so. (“I never tried to shave my ass!” shouted Brad at one point, to which absolutely no-one drank.) Colin would have been worried if his nerves hadn’t been mostly eradicated by alcohol’s warming effects.
“I never kissed...like proper kissed...on the lips. Someone the same sex,” said Karen. “Gender!” she amended, giggling.
“You’re stupid!” said Kathy in amusement. “Oh. I never.”
Denny seemed to be thinking hard. “Do-does it have to be with tongue?” Karen shrugged whatever. Denny hesitated for a moment, then drank. Some of the boys whooped, including Drew, and Denny laughed and had to stop herself from choking.
Drew drank. Denny whooped back at him. “Shaddup!” he responded.
“I never,” said Laura.
“I ne--” Chip began, but Rowan reached across to hit him in the head with her palm.
“Lies!” she whined. “Filthy lies!”
“Owwieee...! When--? Oh right, ha-ha!” Chip drank, as did Wayne, then Rowan.
Jeff said “I never” rather quickly when it came to his turn.
“I never,” Sinead scoffed, shaking her head.
Greg drank happily. Ryan took a casual sip; the two looked at each other and poked their tongues out rudely.
“I never,” said Colin, a phrase repeated seconds later by Brad. Colin noticed that Brad sighed the words, but once again it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
They had gone full circle and were back on Karen. She giggled again, proclaimimg, “I never!”, and then pointing at Kathy. “You go.”
The next few questions were of no specific interest to Colin, and he barely drank to any, but when it came to Greg’s turn...
“I never gave someone a blow job,” he crowed, and smirked at Ryan. “HA!”
Ryan rolled his eyes and drank, which made Karen squeal and sent both her and Rowan into another fit of giggles.
As it turned out, giving a blow job was something that, out of all of them, only Ryan had done. Or only Ryan would admit to it, anyway.
“Who did you give a blow job to?” Sinead demanded, reaching over Greg to poke Ryan in the ribs, but remembering at the last second that that would be a bad idea, and falling on Greg’s lap as a result. She lay there, laughing along with the others.
“No-one you know,” said Ryan, pouting at Karen, who had begun to throw questioning glances at the other boys in the room. “Different school!”
Colin’s mind was filled with uninvited images of Ryan on his knees before a faceless boy with his pants around his ankles and his fingers tangled through Ryan’s honey-coloured locks. He didn’t tell the images to leave, but Brad scared them away with a pointed elbow to Colin’s ribs.
Colin was about to complain loudly, but the look that Brad gave him told him that he must have visibly drifted off. “Whoops,” he said, chuckling and adjusting his shirt.
All eyes soon turned to Ryan, who seemed to have made a decision.
“I never,” he began, casting a slow glance around the circle. “I never thought Drew...was sexy!”
“OK, that was fun, let’s play a new game!” yelled Drew, throwing his hands up in the air. The others laughed, but the general consensus was that yes, it was time for a new game.
“I have an idea...” Karen said, grinning disquietingly.
“Yes,” Sinead agreed shiftily.
“Ooh, me, I have that idea too!” Rowan cried.
“Me too!” Wayne added, delivering a clumsy high-five to Rowan.
“What? What is it?” Denny wanted to know.
Karen held up an emptied beer bottle left over from I Never. “Spin the bottle,” she said in a sing-song voice. “O-hohohohohohoho!”
Drew’s face lit up for the briefest of moments, then fell again instantly. “You realise...the boy-girl ratio is like, way off, right?”
“Only by like, two! That’s not way off!” Sinead pointed out. This was met with general agreement, and Drew caved easily.
“Oh, alright then,” he laughed. “Everyone playing?”
Everyone looked at Jeff and Colin, wondering if one of them would refuse. Colin wanted to play, but Jeff looked unsure.
Wayne and Chip exchanged glances. “You know you waaant toooo,” they sang in unison, hitting a perfect harmony that was obviously rehearsed.
Clearly tipsy enough for that impressive display to sway his decision, Jeff grinned dopily and shrugged, relenting. “Owkayyy.”
Colin looked around at the sea of willing faces. It was so on.