Secret Astronomer - Regret

Apr 11, 2009 16:46

Sorry its late! this was written for spectalcat!

Characters - Greg, Josie + Tony
Rating - PG 13?
(not sure)
Summary - Greg is so happy with his life.........but for how long?

Greg sighed happily.

He had everything he wanted, a great job, fantastic friends, but the thing he had longed for, for about 3 years to be exact he had finally got.

“Greg! Honey?”

Greg smiled as Josie bounded down the corridor towards him.

“Josie” he breathed, as she got closer. Her curls flew in all directions; the lights hitting it making it look like it was made of silk. Her make up perfect as per usual, not that she needed it. Her face seemed to glow, radiant like the sun.

Josie ran into his strong inviting arms embracing him into a strong hug.

“You were great today Greg, that show was fantastic!” she squealed happily.

Greg blushed.

“Oh no Jos, you were by far the best one there, mind you, you always are to me.”

Josie beamed happily. He was always complimenting her, near enough every time she was with him. She didn’t feel that she deserved him; he was far too good for her. She kissed him gently on the cheek as she pulled away from him.

“I better go..” Josie smiled faintly as she turned to walk away. “I’ll see you lat-”

Greg grasped her arm and pulled her into a soft kiss, his hand reaching up to stroke her hair. Josie gasped as their lips touched. She always loved Greg’s tender kiss, but this time it felt wrong. She had a problem boiling up inside her, but she didn’t have the heart to tell him. Greg slowly slid his tongue along her lips but Josie pulled away before anything could happen.

“I’ve really got to go…. I’m sorry” Josie walked away quickly, disappearing around the corner. Greg remained in the corridor alone. Thoughts flashed through his mind.

What have I done?

Is she ok?

Did I push her too far?

We have only been together for 2 weeks.

It was true. They had only been together for a short period of time but to Greg it felt like an eternity and he never wanted it to end. Josie had always been there for him ever since he started Whose Line Is It Anyway?. He stopped to think; back to the time he first heard her sweet angelic voice singing loudly for all to hear. He sat back in his seat and watched her sway along to the music as she made up her song. He had loved her from that very moment. He had longed to jump out of his chair and press his lips to hers, just to see if they tasted as sweet as he had imagined. But his courage disappeared as she sat back down.

“That was beautiful,” he murmured to her. Josie simply smiled back as thanks.

Greg came back to reality realising that he was supposed to be going out with Josie tonight. “But hadn’t she said she had to go?” he wondered, “Must of gone to get ready or get her bag or something”. He decided to meet her at her dressing room door.

Greg stuck his hands in his pockets and walked to her room. He slowed down a bit as he heard a noise. This sounded kind of weird to him. He never heard this sort of noise at work. It was like a person was moaning, but in the sense of them wanting more from something else. In a word it sounded sexual. Greg quickened his pace to get to Josie to avoid whatever was going on but as he got nearer to Josie’s dressing room the noise got louder. This time there was also the noise of a quiet giggle.

“Shh…someone is going to hear” a voice seemed to whisper.

Greg stood outside Josie’s door listening. He jumped as he heard a loud thump and a gasp. Sounded like someone had been thrown across the room. He didn’t hesitate to open the door.

His face fell. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing; he didn’t want to believe it.

Josie had her legs around Tony’s waist as he had her lifted against the wall. Their lips mashed together in a messy kiss. Josie moaned as Tony pushed her against the wall harder. She ran her fingers through Tony’s shiny black hair down to his shoulders.

Greg’s legs felt like they were going to collapse underneath him, they trembled violently, just like his bottom lip as he tried not to cry. His eyes began to fill with tears the droplets of water beginning to blur his vision. He hastily wiped them away sniffing loudly. Josie pulled away from Tony quickly to see Greg, tears now falling rapidly down his cheeks. Tony turned around mouth falling open, shocked to see Greg. Josie felt tears in her own eyes develop, she took a step forward to apologize but Greg raised his hand for her to halt.

“Josie, just…don’t” Greg turned on his heel and exited the room. Josie burst into tears, Tony quickly wrapping his arms around her to comfort her.

Greg crashed through the fire exit whimpering slightly. Why? What had he done? More to the point what hadn’t he done to make her go and do that to him? Had he not satisfied her? She hadn’t even been with him long enough to give her a chance. Greg jumped into his car shoving the key in the ignition. He started it up, the engine roaring into life. Josie ran frantically towards his car.

“Greg!” she cried her make up running down her face, her eyes black as coal.

Greg looked back to see her, her hair flying around like it did not that long ago when he went to hug her. He pulled away quickly not being able to look at her any longer.

Josie ran into the road still crying watching Greg’s car drive off. Her world was crumbling, it was all her fault. What made her do this? What would other people think of her now? One thing she knew for sure. Greg wasn’t coming back.

c: greg, c: josie, a: josie_freak, c: tony

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