Fic: Part 1/2 unillustrated version

Sep 16, 2007 21:59

Okay, how would that conversation go?

By: PD
Edited by: Glyph. Boop boop be doop, Boop!
Rating: R for a little language and some tonsil hockey
Pairing(s): none yet
Disclaimer: I don’t own the guys, but I think they’re swell
Summary: What would happen if Greg and the others found this site?

Part 1

“Oh. My. God… Ryan! Colin, fuck that everyone!!!” Greg shouted at the top of his lungs from his computer, “Get your asses in here! You’ll never believe what I just found!!!!!”

Everyone rushed in, Chip, Wayne and Jeff hurrying as they toweled off from their aborted dip in the pool. “What, what?” they asked, huddling around Greg as he lounged on the couch with his laptop.

“One of my buds on myspace and I have been having a conversation-”

“Well duh, you answer every damn thing they have to write to you,” Chip sniffed, grinning anyway.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah your momma. Anyway, I was talking with a friend of mine when she let slip that she’s a writer, but in her spare time writes fanfics for Whose Line?”

“Whose Line has fanfiction?” Colin blinked, amused.

“Ye-ah…” Greg grinned mightily.

“What’s fan fiction?” Wayne asked, peeking around Drew’s shoulder at the screen.

Everyone stared at him for a second. “You serious?” Jeff demanded.

“Fan fiction’s where people write stories about tv shows or popular books or something,” Colin explained gently.

“Oh… Whose Line has fan fiction?” Wayne echoed Colin.

“Not only do they have fanfiction,” Greg chuckled, “But the site my friend belongs to is completely slash!” he giggled, turning on the TV and plugging in his computer, showing them all what he’d found in HiDef.

No one said anything for a while as Greg scrolled through all of the stories, highlighting the pairings, some particularly graphic side notes before coming to rest at a particular story. “This is one of the ones my friend wrote.”

“She actually wants you to read it?” Brad squeaked, his face looking like it was stuck in a permanent state of shock and amusement.

“She said if I wanted to read some of her work, I could go here since, you know, copyright law say she can’t send me her book ‘til the digital copy comes out.”

“She’s very brave,” Ryan chuckled, squinting at a particular story that caught his eye. “This one’s pairing says Clive/ Greg…” everyone turned to look at Greg, who was flushing to the roots of his hair.

“Well, we don’t need to go in depth with that-”

“Why? Did you read it already?” Drew cooed.


“Then let’s read it! I’ve always wanted to know what went on between you two!” Chip made to click the button but Greg snatched the mouse away, clutching it to him like his only child while Chip fell over the side of the couch to land at Greg’s feet.

“No! Some of them are pretty damn graphic!”

“We’re all over 18 Greg,” Wayne snickered as Chip got up roughly with a grunt, blinking unsteadily.

“I know, but there’s a difference between having people read it in front of you and people you’ve never met reading it miles away!” he said indignantly.

“Ah ha!” Brad snatched the mouse away and ran, ignoring Greg’s screech of surprise. “Let’s see what this one reads!” he clicked a Brad/Wayne fic, leering at Wayne, “I wanna see how well they describe your fine black ass.”

“Brad, shut up!” Wayne laughed, sipping a beer.

The group hushed, letting Greg slip to the back as they read, every now and then bursting into giggles. Greg almost felt like giggling himself when he saw some of their eyebrows threatening to crawl up and off their faces.

“Well…” Ryan grunted, “Brad,” he clapped the man on the back. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Looks like it’s in Wayne now,” Jeff giggled, Chip following suit. Soon everyone was laughing as Wayne and Brad blushed before joining in. “So who goes next?”

“Not Ryan or Colin, they seem to be dominating the comm… or Colin and Greg, that seems to be a favorite, too,” Drew complained.

“Who saw that one coming?” Colin asked with a grin. Everyone raised their hands.

Drew chuckled, continuing with a grin, “Or Ryan and Greg… or Ryan and Jeff, or Ryan and… damn Ry, you’re a whore!” he laughed.

Ryan smirked down at him from the barstool, spreading his legs and pointedly scratching his crotch. “What can I say?” he said, conceited nudist on full blast.

“Herpes?” Colin asked innocently. Ryan sprayed his drink all over Drew’s back.

“Yeah, but who’d I get it from?” he asked pointedly.

“Good point.”

“Here we go! One between me and… Chip,” Drew grinned, surprised. Chip blinked and sat down next to him. “Damn, and look how long it is, too!”

“It’s only, what? Eight chapters?”

“Yeah, but look how long each of them are!”

“Did we get a sex scene?”

Drew pursed his lips, scanning the screen, “N-nope, don’t see one,” then he paused, “Wait… why?”

“I was just curious. We got to see Brad and Wayne make like bunnies,” Chip pointed out, getting rather defensive.

“Meh, he probably wants to see if someone’s brave enough to write about you naked,” Ryan grunted.

Drew threw a pillow at him that would have knocked him off the stool had Colin and Greg not been there to hold him upright.

“Hey look! Threesomes!” Drew said excitedly… “Aww, they’re all Ryan, Colin and Greg!”

“No, look, there’s one with Ryan, Greg and Jeff.”

“Me?” Jeff looked frazzled, glancing at Ryan and Greg. “What do they see between us?”

“Hey, some of these pairings are pretty damn far out there,” Greg chuckled.

“Why? Afraid you might like some of our middle-aged meat?” Ryan leered.

“Oh, you know it daddy-oh,” Jeff husked, pouting seductively. Laughter rang out sharply, bouncing across the tiled floor.

“Let’s see, who haven’t we seen get their balls shagged off?” Drew asked, scrolling around.

Chip scratched at his chin, “I dunno, I think we’ve all been covered,” someone snickered. Chip sighed aggravatedly. “Not literally, you assholes.”

The snicker got more pronounced.

“Oh fuck off, all of you!” Chip shouted, going back into the backyard, a laughing Colin, Jeff and Wayne in tow.

Brad, Ryan, Greg and Drew all looked at each other for a second. “We have got to send the Greg/Clive to him,” Ryan looked positively evil.

“You have his address?” Drew asked excitedly.

“I think so-”

“Guys!” Greg cried out, “come on, that’s just mean!”

They stared at him. “Greg… it’s Clive, since when are you nice to Clive?”

He looked suddenly unsure of himself. “But… I was nice to him before…”

“Come on Greg!” Brad chuckled. “Don’t be a pussy, it’s a joke!”

“Definitely, he’ll love it!” Drew cried.

“Don’t tell me you guys sent it,” Greg grated, rubbing the bridge of his nose under his glasses.

“Yup!” Drew grinned, “bravo, Mr. Stiles, bravo!”

“Always a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Carey,” Ryan and Drew shared a manly handshake before glancing back at Greg. “Aw, come on Greg. Look if he gets mad, tell him it was us!”

“I will, but he probably won’t believe me,” Greg sighed. Everyone was quiet for a moment.

“Well, no sense being a gloomy butt!” Brad hoisted a shouting Greg over his shoulder, “Ry, would you get the door before he kicks it out?” Brad shouted, grunting under a struggling Greg’s weight. Ryan leaped forward, holding Greg’s flailing arms so he didn’t hurt himself on the metal of the door and helped Brad carry him out into the yard. Brad made to toss him in but Greg twisted, just in time, to grab hold of Brad’s collar and drag him in with him.

a: pdglyph

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