Seldom Second Chances (11 a/13)

Dec 31, 2014 11:07

Title: Seldom Second Chances
Author: Clay
Pairing: Ryan/Colin
Rating: NC-17 (for THIS chapter! :D)
Summary: When a freak accident drops an impossible opportunity in Ryan's lap, it's up to him to decide whether to squander it, or to change his fate by going after the one thing he's always wanted.
Word Count: ~2600
Prompt & Author's Notes: I am so sorry that I neglected to post anything last week! I've been sick, and I think I've spent more of the last week asleep than awake. :( But I'm feeling better now, and I wrote pretty much straight up porn, so enjoy! Again, for the Thon Prompt 33: Strangled by the red string. As always, betaed by asuka14.

Chapter 11a

Colin exhaled in surprise when his back hit the wall, a small, warm puff of air ghosting over Ryan's mouth just before they kissed. Ryan's eyes fluttered closed of their own accord, and his lips parted, allowing his tongue to at first tentatively-and then with more boldness-caress Colin's lips and tongue. He moaned softly at the contact, at the surprising softness of Colin's lips and the confidence in which Colin kissed him back.

When Ryan finally pulled back, he was flushed and breathing heavily. Still trapped against the wall, Colin was looking much the same. His eyes twinkled under the diffused light of the street lamp at the end of the alley. He was breathing shallowly through parted lips, and once Ryan's eyes were drawn to them, all he wanted to do was to kiss them again.

His eyes started to close once more as he leaned down to recapture Colin's lips, but suddenly there were hands on his chest, keeping him at bay.

“Ryan,” Colin said softly.

Their eyes caught and held once more.

“What are you doing?”

Ryan thought about that for a moment, then chuckled softly. “Something I've wanted to do for a long time,” he said. His hands lighted on Colin's hips, then slid up along his sides, catching in the fabric of his shirt, and in that moment all Ryan could think of was how badly he wanted to strip Colin bare.

“I'm serious, Ryan.”

Ryan was brought back to the present by the undertone of disapproval in Colin's voice. His eyes had drifted southward along with his thoughts, but now he looked back at Colin sharply, his brow drawn together. “And you think I'm not?”

That seemed to give Colin pause. His hands curled slightly against Ryan's chest, and he drew in a breath to speak, then hesitated. “Maybe we should go back to the cabin,” he said at last.

That, at least, Ryan could agree with.

They made the 20 minute drive in near silence. Colin was at the wheel, leaving Ryan to his own devices. He lit a cigarette for both himself and Colin-who took it without question-and then stared out the window at the passing landscape: buildings turning to brush and then to trees as they made their way up into the mountains. Now that the moment had passed, Ryan expected to feel uncertainty creep into his thoughts, but on the contrary, he was still absolutely positive that he wanted to be with Colin.

He wanted to see what kind of future they could have together, which immediately brought to mind the iPhone. Ryan stuck the cigarette in his mouth, then dug in his back pocket until he found the phone. He brought it around and pulled up the video list as he took another deep drag, but once more the top video was missing. All he could think was that his future hinged on what went down in the cabin that night.

As Ryan slipped the phone back into his pocket, he could feel Colin's eyes on him. He looked up, and their gazes held for a fraction of a second before Colin looked away without a word.


“I didn't say anything.”

“But you wanted to,” Ryan insisted. “You want to talk about this?” He pulled out the phone again.

Meanwhile, Colin was pulling into the gravel driveway in front of their cabin. He put the car in park, then shut it off and gave Ryan a somber look. “I think it's time.”

Ryan snorted. He took one last drag on his cigarette, then tossed the rest out the window. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Colin doing the same. “I think,” he said as he turned to Colin and shoved the phone back in his pocket, “that we should talk about this.”

With that, he unclipped his seat belt and leaned across the car until he was right in Colin's face. He placed one hand flat on Colin's chest, where he could feel the rapid beat of his heart, then bent down close-close enough to feel the heat radiating off his flushed skin. Colin's eyes were wide, his lips parted and drawing in short, shallow breaths, and Ryan couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at the corners of his mouth. Mentally he dared Colin to stop him, to give him one good reason why they shouldn't just go inside and fuck until the sun came up.

But Colin didn't. Instead he stared at Ryan for a long time, his heart still thudding under Ryan's fingertips. A light breeze came in from the open window, cooling the air between them. The night was dark and quiet around them. They'd neglected to turn on the porch light before they'd left, and the only illumination came from distant cabins and the reflection of the moon on the lake. It was so quiet that the only sound was the blood rushing in Ryan's ears; not even a cricket broke the silence.

Suddenly Colin closed his eyes. He wet his lips, drew in a breath, then whispered, “Fuck it,” before arching up and pressing his lips to Ryan's.

Ryan couldn't help the soft moan that escaped his throat the moment their lips touched. His eyes fluttered closed. Colin's arms came up and around him, pulling them tightly against one another. He lifted one hand to run his fingers through the curls at the back of Ryan's head in a soft massage that made Ryan want to purr.

After a time, Ryan broken the kiss, and breathed heavily as he stared down at Colin, who still had his eyes closed. Colin's lips were dark and wet, and this time Ryan wasn't about to let anything stop him from kissing him again.

“Jesus,” he whispered the next time he came up for air.

Colin let out a breathy chuckle beneath him. He dragged his hands up Ryan's back, catching and pulling at the hoodie and thin t-shirt beneath. He dipped under the shirt, then, and his hands were surprisingly cool against Ryan's heated flesh. It made him shiver, his cock twitching in his jeans.

“Ryan?” Colin whispered.

Ryan hummed in acknowledgment.

“Maybe we don't have to talk right now.”

Ryan chuckled. He dipped his head until his forehead was resting against Colin's. “Can we get out of the car at least? This position is fucking killing my back.”

Colin laughed in return, and in a silent accord, they both exited the car and made their way toward the cabin.

Once inside, they didn't bother to turn on a light. Colin shut the door, and Ryan was immediately on him once more, this time pressing against his back, dropping kisses on the nape of his neck and winding his arms around Colin's broad chest.

Colin was chuckling again as he locked the door. He let out a breathy moan as Ryan's lips grazed the side of his neck, then turned in his arms. He gave Ryan a brief kiss, then drew back, saying, “Bedroom,” before taking Ryan's hand and leading him there.

Once inside, Colin closed the door, and they continued exchanging kisses. Neither spoke as they started to disrobe. Ryan couldn't say whether it was due to the heat of the moment or for fear of breaking whatever spell they seemed to be under, but if he had to guess, he'd say it was a little of both. Soon they were both naked, seated at the end of the bed, side by side.

Ryan wasn't sure exactly when they'd stopped kissing. All he knew was that suddenly he was aware of every breath and every touch. His forehead was against Colin's again, and they were just a hair's breadth away from kissing, breathing over one another's lips. Colin's breath tasted like beer and pizza, Ryan realized, as his own must have, and for some reason he really liked that.

His gaze, however, was drawn downward. He could feel the hot press of Colin's thigh against his own, the smoothness of his back where it touched Ryan's arm, the rough skin of Colin's knee under his palm. Most of his vision was taken up with the curves and planes of Colin's face, so close to his own. Beyond that, however, and clearly visible in the light of the moon, was Colin's cock, nestled between his thighs. Ryan couldn't take his eyes off it.

The first word that came to mind was plump. Colin was uncut-a fact that both felt strange and familiar-so that his dick tapered off at the tip and made the shaft look rounder in comparison. It was shaped like a torpedo, or, Ryan thought stupidly, like a garden gnome.

He wasn't sure where that last thought came from, but it made him chuckle, and it emboldened him to reach out and cup Colin's soft cock in his hand.

Colin drew in a shuddering breath, but he stayed silent, just watching Ryan's face as he explored.

Meanwhile, Ryan gave Colin's shaft a stroke, then another, feeling his dick thicken and harden beneath his hand. He tightened his fist and pulled back the foreskin until the shiny pink head of Colin's cock popped out. “Hello,” Ryan said.

Colin chuckled and pressed a kiss just behind Ryan's jaw.

Now it was Colin's turn. His fingertips ghosted along Ryan's thigh, then dipped down to cup his cock and balls in one hand, his touch soft but sure. Unlike Ryan, Colin didn't seem fascinated by the sight, instead continuing to lay soft, warm kisses along Ryan's jaw and down the column of his throat. And then Ryan knew that this wasn't Colin's first time with a man. He couldn't be completely sure without asking, of course, but he would have bet anything.

Ryan wondered if it was something that had happened before or after they'd stopped talking. Thoughts of 2013 came immediately to mind-Colin pulling away from him, that cold look in his eyes-and Ryan shivered for a reason that had nothing to do with the hand still expertly tugging at his dick.

He pulled away from Colin, and they stared at each other for a few seconds before Ryan made up his mind. He scooted up until he was seated on the bed proper, then laid his head back on the pillows.

“Come here,” he said.

Colin obeyed, crawling up to meet him. Ryan pulled him down, kissing him passionately as he took Colin's cock in his hand once again. He wanted to make love to Colin more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life, but he wasn't sure where to go from there. Logically, he knew the mechanics of gay sex, but the idea of sticking his dick up Colin's ass wasn't entirely appealing, and he sure as hell didn't want to do things the other way around, either. Maybe in time he'd give those things a try, but right now, he just wanted to hold Colin, to make him feel good. He wasn't sure how, but this mutual masturbation wasn't going to cut it.

He was achingly hard in Colin's hand. Colin's erection against his own palm was a fascination. He loved the thickness of it, how hard and at the same time how silky it was. He loved the play of the foreskin every time he slid his hand along the shaft, and the way Colin would sometimes lose himself and thrust into Ryan's hand, leaving sticky strings of precum on his fingers. Ryan was seriously considering attempting his first blow job when Colin suddenly lifted himself up.

Colin's neck and chest were flushed red, just like his cock, standing out against a dark bush of pubic hair. On his knees over Ryan, he somehow seemed to tower over him, more manly than Ryan had ever seen him before. It stirred something inside him, and his cock twitched. A warm jet of precum squirted over his belly.

“Hold on,” Colin said in a hoarse whisper. He left the bed, erection bobbing enticingly with every step, then bent over his suitcase. Ryan could see his cock in profile, and it looked impressive. Not taking his eyes off it, he lifted the hand that had been stroking Colin to his lips, tasting the dampness that had been left behind. It was salty and musky, and now he really, really wanted Colin's dick in his mouth.

A moment later Colin straightened. He was holding a small bottle, which, as he came closer, Ryan realized was a hotel sample bottle of lotion.

Ryan watched him climb back onto the bed and settle himself between Ryan's legs. Ryan frowned, wondering if Colin was planning on fucking him up the ass, but he stayed quiet, putting his faith in him. Colin squeezed some of the lotion onto his palms, warming it up between them before he took Ryan's cock in his hands again.

They slid up and down his shaft smoothly, the wetness causing a kind of suction that had Ryan gasping, thrusting his hips up against Colin's talented hands. All too soon, however, Colin took his hands away. Coldness rushed over Ryan's cock, and he whimpered unconsciously.

Colin didn't seem to hear him. He was busy smoothing lotion over his own cock now. When he was satisfied, he shifted again, leaning over Ryan and then lowering himself until his hot, slick erection was pressed against Ryan's. Ryan hummed happily, then wound his arms around Colin's back and kissed him. It didn't take them long to find a good rhythm, thrusting together, their cocks sliding against one another and each other's bellies.

Ryan felt a little strange being on his back under Colin. He didn't like the idea of someone else having control over him, but he tried to put it out of his mind, and just feel the pleasure radiating from his cock. And another part of him had to admit that he liked having the weight of another man over him. It felt solid and safe.

But the friction they were getting from their bodies alone wasn't enough. Ryan could feel himself edging toward an orgasm, then hitting a plateau. Frustrated, he reached between their bodies and wrapped his long fingers around both cocks, squeezing them together as Colin continued to thrust, their shafts now sliding against one another with every pass, spikes of pleasure arcing up Ryan's spine every time his cock bumped the crown of the head of Colin's dick, every time he squeezed them together just a little bit tighter.

Suddenly Colin was moving faster, thrusting harder, and Ryan looked up to see his face screwed up in concentration. He was breathing hard, flushed and dotted with sweat. Then he let out a long, deep moan, and Ryan could feel spurt after spurt of hot cum spilling over his hand. Colin was cumming; Colin was actually ejaculating all over Ryan's hand, his stomach, and their cocks. The idea of it along with Colin's continued thrusting drove Ryan over the edge, and then he was cumming, too, head thrown back as he called out Colin's name.

Ryan slowly came down from the high of his orgasm and felt Colin's weight on him get just a little heavier. Colin's lips were against his shoulder, breathing heavily. Ryan pulled his hand out from between them, and wiped it on the bedspread before wrapping both arms around Colin's back. It was warm and sweaty, like Colin's cheek when Ryan pressed his lips to it.

“My god,” he breathed.

Colin laughed against his skin. “Yeah.”

“So...” Ryan said, skimming his fingers through the damp hair at the nape of Colin's neck, “is it time for that talk now?”

Colin just laughed again and kissed him.

To be continued...

g: fantasy, g: romance, g: drama/suspense, [whose-a-thon entries], a: clayangel, p: colin/ryan, s: seldom second chances

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