Title: Curiosity killed the cat but you're a big boy now.
roseofpain84Rating: PG, maybe?
Main Character(s) and/or pairings: RyCol
Summary: It's night time and Ryan has questions.
Word Count: ~630
Disclaimer: I'm an insomniac with an overactive imagination, nothing is real.
Warning: I'm the last person on earth who should be posting unbeta'd fic but here we are.
Warm, orange light, coming from the street lamps, filtered through the window and gave the bland hotel room a cozy, almost friendly feeling. Ryan came knocking on Colin's door several hours before. The days between tapings could get boring and they had a lot to catch up. It was now a couple of hours after midnight and it had been a while since either of them had spoken.
'Hey Col, can I ask you something?' said Ryan, staring at the non blinking stand by light on the TV set.
'What is it?'
'You know all these times we've kissed on the show?'
'I don't think people would let me forget it even if I wanted to.' Colin said, sounding amused. The lights on the room had been off and they'd be laying next to each other on his bed for a while now. He'd almost dozed off.
'You've kissed most of the guys, right?'
'I think I've kissed all of them at least twice. Then I've kissed a few more people on live shows. You know what? Perhaps it's time for me to stop kissing people all the time!'
'But have you ever, uh, you know, used tongue on anyone?' Ryan asked, sounding a little like an awkward teenaged kid.
'On stage? Oh my god, no. Can you imagine?'
They both laughed at that, out loud, thinking of the audience reactions if that were to happen.
'Off stage?'
'Hmm, a couple of guys. It was a very long time ago, back in Vancouver.'
'And? How was it?' Genuine curiosity coloured Ryan's tone.
'Eh. You know, it's just kissing. I didn't like any of these guys all that much. It just kinda happened. Not any different from any of the girls I'd kiss. At least, that's what I thought back then.'
'What about you?'
'Me? No, uh, I've never done that. I've always wondered...'
'It's not that ground breaking you know, it's just a kiss. It's who you're sharing it with that matters.'
'Really,' said Ryan, rolling his eyes though Colin couldn't have seen this.
'But if you still wanna try it, I'm game,' said Colin, having no doubt that this was exactly what Ryan had in mind when he started this conversation.
'You sure?'
With a swift move he turned on his side and raised his body on his elbows, inching closer towards Ryan. They smiled at each other, so far this wasn't anything they hadn't done before. Colin leaned in and his lips touched Ryan's. Their kisses on Whose Line were almost always stage kisses, not usually aiming for the lips but this was certainly not unprecedented. Colin, after all, had once declared on Whose Line that he knew Ryan's lips. It hadn't been a lie. Then Ryan opened his mouth slightly and Colin sucked on his lip and this was definitely uncharted territory between them. One of them smiled into the kiss and the other followed suit but neither knew who did it first. When Colin's tongue entered Ryan's mouth it elicited an appreciative moan.
'Interesting,' Ryan said, panting, when they eventually had to stop in order to breathe.
'I can't believe you've never had the chance to try it all this time, since you've been wondering and all'
'I've had plenty of chances,' Ryan said, pausing to make sure he had Colin's full attention. 'They just weren't worth my time,' he continued, looking at his friend straight in the eyes.
'Anything else you might want to try?' Colin asked going for a half suggestive, half joking tone.
'Maybe,' replied Ryan and this time it was him leaning in for the kiss.