Title: Letters to Santa
Rating: G
Word count - 100
Pairing: Greg/Clive
Prompt: Day one - Letters to Santa
Disclaimer: Only real in my head.
When Greg was six, he asked Santa for a model space rocket and a pet kitten to travel with.
When Greg was twelve, he asked Santa for a new telescope, since his old one had broken the week before.
When Greg was seventeen, he asked Santa for a way out of his shitty little town.
When Greg left college, he didn't believe in Santa anymore, but still asked for a new job, as he was sick of washing plates until his skin bled.
But when Greg met Clive, he didn't ask Santa for anything; he'd already found what he wanted.
Title: Determined, Not Dedicated
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Characters: Greg, Colin
Prompt: Day two - Gingerbread
Disclaimer: Only real in my head.
Greg's skills in the kitchen were dubious at the best of times. He had the determination, but unfortunately not the attention span, meaning that everything he tried to bake was either undercooked, abandoned, or was forgotten about, left to burn in the oven.
His latest attempt had been a batch of gingerbread. He had a vision of a group of gingerbread men clustered around a gingerbread house, but the actual result was five lumps that were burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.
Screw it, he thought, throwing everything in the bin. I'll just steal some from Colin.
Title: Every Year...
Rating: PG
Word count - 100
Paring: Greg/Ryan/Colin
Prompt: Day three - Christmas Tree
Disclaimer: Only real in my head.
Every year, Colin picked out the tree, and every year, Ryan decorated it, which meant that every year, Greg had to clean it up.
He surveyed the damage. The decorations were now piled haphazardly in a box. The tree was wilting in the corner. There were pine needles everywhere. In the kitchen, there was beer.
Colin and Ryan found Greg asleep on the floor and the tree in an even bigger mess. Pine needles were now being crushed by nearly a dozen empty bottles.They vowed never to leave alcohol around when it was time for Greg to start cleaning.
Title: Drunk, Not Wise
Rating: PG
Word count - 100
Characters: Jeff, Chip, Greg, Ryan
Prompt: Day four - Three Wise Men
Disclaimer: Only real in my head.
Jeff was planning to spend Christmas alone. Well, it wasn't really panning, it was just that he never made an effort to do anything until everywhere was overbooked, and everyone he knew had places to go.
On Christmas Eve, when Jeff was trying to find something relatively good on the TV, a series of knocks echoed through the appartment. He barely had time to open the door before Chip, Greg and Ryan walked through, bearing beer, vodka and brownies.
They didn't bring gold, frankinscense or myrr, and they were drunk instead of wise, but it was still a brilliant Christmas.