Eee! I got tagged by
kmfrontain! ^^
1. How many books do you have?
Oh dear... before the house burnt in '02, I had well over 500 novels; I had counted them a couple years prior, because I *thought* I was going to catalog them. Yeeeaaahh, right. I bought my first full length novel with my own money when I was in the fifth grade and it snowballed from there. Right now, I would say I'm back up to around 150 or so??? I just have never been able to replace them all... books are a lot more expensive than they were back then, and I also had a job at one time, too. A paying job, that is. lol
2. What was the last book you read?
Not online? lol I reread Legend of Nightfall, because a fellow Artworks gal loaned it to me. I didn't have the heart to tell her I read that when I was like 19 or 20. It was still nice to read, though I couldn't bring myself to get as excited about it as I was back then. LOL
3. Top ten favorite books:
This has got to be the most difficult question I've been asked. Asking a bibliophile to name their fav. books... *shaking head* I love them ALL!!! lol My favorites do change as I age, as I grow, but I will name the books that I've read over and over again and love them every time. Don't expect a whole lot of what's considered Great Literature here, though.
In no particular order:
Though this one is probably my all time favorite.. I never tire of it - The Faded Sun series by C.J. Cherryh. I love this series so much.. I think I've read them once a year since finding them in a used book store more than a decade ago. lol In all honesty... anything C.J. Cherryh.
The Last Herald Mage by Mercedes Lackey. My intro to all things slash, though I didn't really realize it at the time. I still shed tears when I read this set. I grab them every time I'm feeling low and want something to cry about.
Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice. This is another tear jerker for me. And my second story where there is sex between men. I think I was well down the slash road after reading this one. It's such a great story... tragic, like I like it.
The Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony... but only really the first three books. Piers has this awful habit of letting his story drag out much too long and they start getting watered down... I still love the whole idea of split dimensional travel, though. Great story.
The Deryni stories by Katherine Kurtz. I loved these so much, I named my son after one of the main character: Alaric. ^^ I need to reread these again.
The Riftwar saga by Raymond E. Feist. Mainly the first two, though I like them all down to the King's Buccaneer, because that was the last one I read before I gave up. Authors really need to know when to stop a story, imo. There should be a four or five novel cap, six if they're under 600 pages. LOL
The Coldfire trilogy by C.S. Friedman. OMG What is not to love about this set?? A man turned demon, a priest for a companion; the two of them trying to save the world... and you know that's begging to be slashed. lol This story is just plain SEXY!!
Okay, I have to throw in a classic. I can't help it:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. There's nothing I can say that everyone doesn't already know. What's not to like? Oh, Mr. Darcy... you are so dark, so troubled, so sexy. *sigh*
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. So I read this when I was a kid. So what. I still like it. I had read it so often, in fact, that I could almost quote the first two paragraphs word for word. lol
Finally, Hawkmistress by Marion Zimmer Bradly, though I like all of the Darkover novels. This one was my first. :) My mom rec'd it to me when I was in junior high. Devoured the rest of the Darkover stories as fast as I could. I think they should be required reading for sf/f geeks.
God, there are soooooo many more... Narnia, Dragonlance, Pern, Belgariad, (named my daughter after that spoiled little princess!! lol), Shannara, the Vampire Chronicals, Lord of the Rings, White Jenna, the Morgaine Saga... the list just won't stop!! And I know I'm leaving lots out that have left their mark on me.
Tagging whoever would like to grab it. :)
Listening to: Deine Lakaien - Kiss The Future