Mar 29, 2004 20:23
Brit's healing...Alycia has an appointment with my doctor tomorrow...She's really upset about that but we need to see what's up with her.
Did the not so little questionaire that is going around...Yes I took it from someone but since everyone has done it pretty much and I only have you guys as my friends, I don't think I'm going to post where I found it...You know who you are and I will make it up to you with a link later on.
So Here goes...
-The Basics-
Name~: Wendy
Age~: 34
Town~: Palmdale
School~: No more school
Height~: 5'6"
Guy (yours, your celeb crush, random person)~: Husband Bill
Nicknames~: Wenders and Fred, Wen, Pooh bear...Mom
Group in school~: We were high level geeks...Got along with pretty much everyone.
-When you wake up...6 am most of the time or 5:30 on Wed thru Thurs.
..the first thing you think?: Just one more hour
..the first thing you do?: Give the hubby a smooch on the cheek and wake him up...Why should he get to sleep?
.. the first thing you see?: The Clock...And I can read it now that I had the laser surgery on my eyes :o)
...the first thing you WANT to see?: That the now crystal clear clock says I still have an hour left to sleep :o)
... the place your usually going?: To get the gilrs ready for school.
Best friend(s)~: Shannon (Best friend since 7th grade...She lives in Oregon now but we see each other when we can.) Best online pals are Jen, Liz and Shelly.
People you usually hang with~: My family...Daughter's, husband...Mom. Little brothers.
People youd love to see get there ass kicked~: Truthfully the little bastards that harrass Alycia at school, but I don't want to see her suspended or expelled. I'd just like to see them get a little of what they dish out.
Things done after school/work~: Work? What's that? Oh in my free time, Computer stuff, clean house, read, watch tv, Write.
Things done on weekends~: Take the girls somewhere or see a movie.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend~: Just the hubby.
Ok, crush~: I adore Sean Astin, Gerard Butler, Clay Aiken, David Duchovny, Oh I can't think of them all.
Bf-Gfs/Crushes/Random guys name~: random guy name? Elijah Wood...If only I were 12 years younger.
Why...~: He's adorable.
Do you understand the opposite gender?: Getting there, I've been reading a book on it.
What do you love most about em~: That they have this uncontrollable need to take care of us.
Hate?: The lack of patience.
More girl or guy friends~: Pretty equal...I stayed friend with most of my buddies from school. Maybe more guys.
Why~: I think some of the girls got busy and went there own ways...was harder to stay in touch.
Hot but horrible or ugly but sweet~: Ugly but sweet. I've never put too much into looks...It's whats in the heart and eyes that matters most.
-Do you/Are you/Do you wish you...-
Smoke?: Nope
Drink?: Very rarely...Once in a while or when I'm on vacation. Never more than two.
Virgin?: Not for a long time LOL
Done anything with the opposite sex?: Duh...I'm married...It's more like what haven't I done at this point.
Gotten high?: Never
Skinny Dipped?: Yes
Fly?: Huh?
Sing?: Wish I could...I do okay for singing alone by myself or with the CD player, but I'd never subject anyone else to it.
Play an instrument?: No, but wish I could.
Last time you cried?: Yesterday, got in an argument.
Last time you laughed?: Yesterday. Bill was being goofy.
Last time you said...
Last time you said I loved you?: This morning.
Last time you meant it?: I always mean it.
Do you want to move?: No I like where I am.
Do you like your family?: Yes...Both my own and the one I grew up with.
What calms you down?: Reading in a bubble bath.
Gets you riled up?: When my kids have troubles with kids at school.
Favorite song~: True by Spandaua Ballet
Favorite band~: I like a lot...Love 80s stuff.
You like music?: Don't care for Rap, but music, ya, I like it.
In a band?: Nope
Song that makes you cry~: Missing You by Chris Deburgh (It played a lot when Alycia was in the hospital when she was new born and we didn't know if she was gonna make it. She was an hour and a half away from me for 3 weeks.
Oh also Butterfly Kisses and Christmas Shoes make me cry.
Most memorable song~: Time in a Bottle. It was sung at my wedding.
Best type of music~: Soft rock.
Song that makes you dance~: Me? Dance? Maybe upbeat 80's stuff...
-Remember when...-
Most embarrassing memory~: Let's just say I was in school and I was wearing white and I shouldn't have been...
Most hurtful memory~: When an ex-friend told Bill I lied to him and it wasn't true and he believed her. We were in 10th grade and I lost his friendship for about 3 months...That's 3 months I won't ever get back.
Memory that makes you happy~: The birth of my daughters.
Overall best memory~: My wedding days...Twice.
Anything you regret?: Not going to see my friend Trini the week before she died.
Anything you wish you could have done but didnt?: Not been as shy.
Are you sad this is ending?: Not particularly
Anything you'd like to add -: Is it really over?