Enough About the Past, Lets Look to the Future

Jun 01, 2004 21:33

Now that my soon to be loyal followers are beginning to crawl out from the woodwork, the question arises, how can wknc (master of trickery, exploiter of the third person) exploit his newfound popularity in the pursuit of pecuniary gains.

The answer is obvious, a pyramid financial structure is the best way for initial investors to rake in insane profits. And as an early wknc live journal member, you have the opportunity to become one of these early investors.

To invest simply paypal ponzischeme@juno.com with any sum of dollars and there is a good chance of receiving the money of others who invest behind you. This tried and true method has historically generated 50% return every 45 days! Thousands of early inverters who got out in time successfully made a fortune. Lets put the network effect to good work people.
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