Sep 15, 2005 22:35
just watched final fantasy advent children
ok the fighting and the magic and crazy ass chases were good and they made it right how i would like to see most of them fight.. BUT
ok i got the plot, children of jenova aka larva of sephiroth want to bring back sephiroth to life so they can destroy all life so they can have the reunion, they need jenovas cells (aka her head) to do so. ok i got that fine and clear. like was it me or did they just thru in flash backs of aerith so those fucking aerith fan boys wouldnt cry and curse square's name to the ground. and like it amazes me that you dont know nothing of whats happened to anyone, like barret and yuffie and cid just come out of nowhere, i realize that a fight broke loose but they were just in the fucking movie for a fight, thats it. in for a fight, cheer at the end, movie over. i played ff7 along time and when i played i got to know each of those people and what they stood for, and in this movie there is no clue of what the fuck is going on, shit just keeps bouncing from one place to another with no direction, first hes in a desert then hes in a dream world then hes with shinra thens hes off in some mystical land.
the fighting like i said was amazing, reno and rude were my favourite personally
the final fight which ill save for those of you who want to watch it was ok UNTIL the end, thats when it got more stupid.
the only reason this movie is good is cause of the fighting and thats all, they just put a stupid story and thought that since its ff7 and everyone has such a hard on for it, they could squeesh away with all that story bullshit and just make the fights all flashy and fancy so those ff7 leechs will get their fix.
im heavily disappointed in square for once again making a movie that looks amazing but extremely lacks depth. i said this b4 the movie was even made, they cant fit a huge ass rpg game into a 2 hr movie, im sorry it cant be done. mortal kombat can be done cause its a short game and u can run with ideas but when you such a huge game with so many elements in it and you want this and that and this and that and expect so much from it, it ruins it.
3 out of 5 only cause the fighting kept me watching
oh and btw...they put the fanfare on the guys cellphone, thats retarded, like i didnt see that coming.
lol i know im going to get flamed for this but i dont care, im glad i saw thru the shit