The Big Reveal

Jan 19, 2009 22:53

Once again, we would like to thank everyone who participated - the writers, the commentors, and the voters. We consider this fic challenge a success and it is all thanks to you. We hope everyone had fun.

And now here's the list of 'who wrote what':


Aya's New Fan Club by sybilrowan; Aya; PG

Death and Clothing by circeniko; Schuldig; G

Red Riding Hood by vr2lbast; Schuldig; PG

Stand Up Forever by star_of_heaven; Ken, Kurumi; G

Prompt 1: Pale Blue Sky

Negotiations by penguin-sama; Yohji/Aya; PG13

Pale Blue Sky by vr2lbast; Nagi Naoe, Schwarz; PG

Spring Fever by sybilrowan; Ken; PG-13

Walking Under a Pale Blue Sky by kittyheaven; slight Yohji/Aya; PG-13

Prompt 2: Unsavory

After Dark by giethe; some Aya and Yohji; PG-13

Flip by genuinelie; Yohji/Aya, plus additional; R to NC-17ish

In Accidental Power by star_of_heaven; Weiss; PG-13

Inner-Workings of Guilt by penguin-sama; Schuldig, Crawford; R

Rota Fortunae by sybilrowan; Brad Crawford; PG

Unsavoury Elements by vr2lbast; Mamoru Takatori, Ken Hidaka; PG

Prompt 3: Black and White

Black and White and Red All Over by kinukitty; Yohji/Aya; NC17

Disappointments by sybilrowan; Weiss; PG

Laid by kittyheaven; Yohji/Aya; NC-17

Middle Ground by genuinelie; Aya/Yohji; PG-14 to R

Monochrome by vr2lbast; Ken Hidaka, Chloe; PG-13

No Prompt

Closing the Shop by penguin-sama; Yohji/Aya; PG 13

Obligation by sybilrowan; Aya, Ken; PG

This Way Lies Madness by vr2lbast ; Yohji Kudoh, Ken Hidaka; PG-13

I hope I got everyone's names right, since some of you submitted your fic with just names, and not your LJ username. If not, please let me know.


Did you guess the writers? Or are you surprised? Please consider leaving feedback if you have not done so.

Again, thank you.
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