Meme days 3-5

May 05, 2011 17:38

And hi! So already I skipped days and am now behind and playing catch up *g*

Fortunately, these three days are short, sweet and simple. XD

Day 3: Your favourite male character.
This is actually kinda difficult, because I can't really say that I have a favorite. If I had to give the quick answer, it would be Gojyo. The slightly less quick answer would be Gojyo(Kenren) (and yes, there is a distinction in there). But the more thoughtful answer would be Tenpou. And (for those who know me will really be unsurprised by this) the super thoughtful layer-y answer would be Ukoku.

Day 4: Your favourite female character.
Kanzeon. I'm sure this is considered cheating, since HMG is not, actually, female. But se's not male, either, so nyah.

Day 5: Your favourite pairing(s).
Hakkai/Gojyo(Tenpou/Kenren) <3

random, meme, babbling

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